Waters of Separation

Waters of Separation

The world depends on The Waters that are flowing through the earth and around the world. These waters support the life of the plants as well as all the inhabitants of the earth like the blood that flows through the human body. The blood is needed and is the life source of the human body, it sustains the body of man and the inhabitants within our physical structures which are the organs inside us that keep the body functioning. These organs are the brain, liver kidneys, the lungs along with other organs that inhabits the human body. The heart is the main organ that pumps the blood throughout the whole body so that all the other inhabitants can remain operational. 

The blood is a major source of the human body, but not the only source needed. The consumption of Water is necessary for the human body and we cannot survive without it. Through the studies of biology, we come to understand that the physical structure of a human adult is made up of sixty percent water, and the structure of an infant is about 80 percent, so over half of the human body is made up of water. We have come to the knowledge through the studies of the reproduction of mankind that when a woman conceives the seed of a man within her womb it begins to grow, and develop into an embryo that is surrounded by water which is inside a sack that is attached to the uterine wall.

Image result for embryo

The sack is attached to this wall by the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is used to
transfer the nutrient from the mother to the embryo. The embryo is submerging in this Sack of Water that protects the embryo through the stages of development inside the womb. When the embryo has come to fully grow into a infant at full term, the sack within the womb will break, and then the water that was in the sack will separate from the sack then begin to lubricate the birth canal so that the infant can come forth. The water in the sack has to separate first from the sack in order for the infant to come forth. I illustrated and detail it this way so that you can examine the similarities in the way God The Creator made the heavens and the earth.

Gen (1:6-10) When God our Creator called forth by His Word The firmament from the
Waters. He had the firmament which is also called the first heaven which Separate The Waters so that there was water above the firmament and waters under the firmament. When our God called forth the earth by His Word the waters came together which means they were separated in order for the earth to come forth. In each case study water and The Separation of Waters plays a major part.

There was a practice in the Old Testament called Waters of Separation which is a form of worship and it means waters for removal of impurity Num (19:9, 13, 20, 21,31:23). This is what the priest would do before entering the tabernacle. They had to wash themselves with water that was put aside to purify them before coming into the presence of The Lord.

This could explain why The Lord used waters to destroy all human beings and every substance during the days of Noah.  Gen (6:5) God saw the wickedness of humanity was great in the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  The Lord brought rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights in order to wipe out all humanity and his impurities along with every living substance along with the instruments used that exalted itself over the knowledge of God except Noah and his kin. Noah found grace in sight of The Lord.

Noah was directed by The Lord to build an ark big enough to hold all that the Lord required. Later after one hundred years of constructing the ark, Noah was instructed to bring into the ark two or more animals of every sort along with some of every creeping creature of the earth in order to sustain life upon the earth Gen (7:4). God gave Noah only seven days to do so. It took seven days for the total completion of all creation orchestrated through The Word for on the seventh day He rested.

God gave Noah only seven days after the ark was completed to sort and gather up the selected animals and the small creatures that the Lord instructed him to bring into the ark before the rains would come to destroy all the living substance left after the task which took a whole century to do. The Lord Thy God used the powerful source call water to bring forth creation, and then turn it around to use that same source as a force to destroy the evil works of humanity and his iniquities and every species’ man had dominion over along with the instruments that was being used in the act of evil. The Waters of Separation were also used to perform this action.

The knowledge mankind comes to know later about rain is this - Rain comes through the process of vapors that rises up separating itself from the oceans into the atmosphere and then vapors form into what we call today clouds which begin to move over the earth once it reach its fullness it comes down upon the earth in the form of rain.

In The Book of (Exodus 14:21) Pharaoh had Moses and the Israelites cornered at the Red Sea. The Almightiness of our God gave Moses the power through the staff he was carrying to separate the waters so that the Israelites can walk upon dry land in order to escape the Egyptians army that was pursuing them. The Israelites went through The Waters of Separation, and was taken out of bondage by the outstretched arm of the Almighty hand of Jehovah Nissi for the victory was theirs.

The Egyptian armies perish, when the waters return to its original state drowning Pharaoh’s whole army. Waters was also utilized for the purification and the consecration in the tribe of Levi for those who were over the priesthood. The Levites were charged with the upkeep of the sanctuary. Aaron, Moses brother, and his sons were set apart, separated for the priesthood and the position was hereditary.

Aaron and his descendants were to bring forth offerings for the atonement of the sins of the Israelites, before they could enter the tabernacle they were washed with The Holy Waters set out for them to clean their impurities before they perform their duties of the Priesthood. ( Exodus 29:4, 30:20, 40:12). This was one of the forms of baptism back in the Old Testament. 

In (1 Corinthian 10:1-4) Apostle Paul educates the people about the forms of baptism in the wilderness back in the Old Testament, for he states - (I would not have you ignorant of how all our fathers were under the cloud, and all of them pass through the seas and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud, and in the sea, all drink the same spiritual drink: For they drank of the Spiritual Rock that follow them; and that Rock was Christ.)

Water was used in the New Testament Baptism and managed by the immersion of the whole body in the water.  This baptism symbolizes our faith as to The Life, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through true repentance of our sins, and by inviting our Lord into our lives so that we may receive Eternal Life with the remission of our sins. The finite minds of humanity cannot fully grasp the infinite mind of our Creator. When The Father brings to us His wisdom along with His knowledge to our minds it blows us away. The Awesomeness of His plans for our lives leads us to The Manifestation of His True Glory. (1 Corinthians 3:18-23) Let no man deceive himself.

If any man among you seem to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. For it is written, He take the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lords knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life or death, or things of present, or things to come, all are yours and are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.

Christ The Living Water who brought all things into existence when His Spirit 
move upon the face of waters and transcended Light into the darkness through
 His spoken Word. Lord of The Baptism that cleanse my soul and fill my very 
thirst. He keeps me thirsty for more than a drop, and tease my spirit that 
mingles with His Breath when he breathes Life into my very being. 
Submerge in His goodness and swimming in His Grace. His 
tender mercy is as drops of dew on the early morning 
flower that just began to bloom. He Whispers 
vision into my mind while I sleep upon
 my bed at night. Speaking His 
revealed mysteries into my 
unconsciousness state
Awakening In me 
The Living 
my very soul
 For His Presence Is Water.


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The Manifestation of The Lord In Dreams II

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Waters of Separation


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