In Every Thing There Is In Life, My Lord! It Is You I See

In Everything There Is In Life,
My Lord! It Is You I See.

Image result for a pictures of heaven meets earth

When you open my eyes in the morning I see you Lord when I seek Your Face. I see you in the breath I breathe each time it’s not cut off because of your Grace.

I see your breath In my inhale, and my exhalation. Your Spiritual breath that comes during exaltation that brings to us your manifestation.

I see you in my rising up, and in my first step out of bed. I see you in The Living Water that cleanses me when I’m spiritual lead.

I see you in the ceiling of my the bedroom you gave the architecture the mind, and the ability to build. I see you in my prayers, and meditation when I seeking in my life your will.

I see you have brought me, and my family through adversities and trials, I see you still there even when they seem to stay around for a while.

I see you in the center of every storm that rages in my life, I see you there even when I was full of sin, malice and strife.

I see you fighting all my battles claiming all the victories, I see you were my eyes during the dark times in my life when I could not see. 

I see you in my failures, my trip ups and fall downs your hand lifts me up to continue on the path you set for me, I see you on every road I walk through in life because the blood you shed has set me free.

I see you in the storms and the rains, in the trees and the budding flowers soon to bloom. I see you are the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path that leads me through the gloom.

I see you in my heart aches and pain comforting me when I felt not living, I see your tender mercies pour out upon my wounds, Your love just keeps on giving. 

I open my window to feel, and see you in the wind and in the breeze. I see you providing the spiritual food I need, and the tongue I use to taste and see. 

I see you in my dreams and in the paintings on the wall. I see you in the gifts you give me in The Spirit and the fullness of it all.

I see you in the catastrophes of life when you uses the hearts of humanities in the middle of their pleads. I see you pulling them together to help each other, and the ones in desperate need.

I see you in my goings and comings to and fro. I see you in the ones who know you, and even in the ones who don’t know. 

I see your hand orchestrating your will to be done on earth as well as it is in heaven. Feeding us The Bread of Life, You are the daily leaven. 

Through all the slaying of our people, and the corruption in the land, I see your comfort in those who mourn, and are in need of your unchanging hand.

I see you in my worship when my hands are raised, I see you in the church where I share my praise. 
I see the reason why you sent me there.I see you orchestrating my steps fully in your care. 

I see your Grace upon us even when we were in sin bold and brazen. I see your mercy when my life was spare on numerous occasion. 

I see you in the skies above, as well as the ground beneath, I see how your chosen are never that far, always within your reach.

I see you in life and death spiritually, and physically transforming a new creature through your creativity. I see how an awesome premeditated sacrifice you paid the price to give me my True Identity.
Watering and nurturing, your servant I am your daughter in deed, Who now knows In Everything There Is In Life

My Lord! It Is You I See.

There are moments when one trail after another seems to ambush your life, circumstances that just makes no since to you comes about from different angles.  (Open Your Eyes You Will See The Sustainer of Your Mind and  Your Soul Right In The Middle of it All).

Terrell's Mother   (My Daughter)                                         Terrell
Then comes a release knowing God Got This. (GGT)

Terrell has been release from the hospital,  For those who have not receive the email for prayer for my Grandson who on the (12/13/18) had a seizure at school, he ended up in the hospital. This was a real scare for my daughter and me due to the fact Terrell has no history of seizure, nor heart problems He just turn 18 in April of this year.  This is his last year of High School he graduates in 2019. This came out of nowhere. His next appointment will be with a Cardiologist on the 12/20/18 of Dec he still has one side of his heart abnormal which maybe the cause of the seizure, after his appointment with The Cardiologist he is to see a  Neurologist then back to The Radiologist again for another CT Scan, and MRI. A Long road ahead, but God Is Still On The Throne.

I went to court on Fri (12/14/18) to give my impact statement before The Judge on the Peeper case. He was sentence for Three months add to the  time he is already serving for probation violation on similar case. A Three Year stay away order is issue for him to stay away from me, and the area were I live. Through it all Our Lord & Master Is Still on The Throne covering this family. Amen! I See The Three's God shows me in His Covenant that reminds me of His Promises. No matter how strong the storms are He Keeps His Promises reminding me to Not  Let Go! He Got This,   Open your Eyes and SEE He has us in His Hands.

New Life, New Sight, New Vision 
In The Name of Jesus Amen!

Richard Smallwood & Vision - Hold On Don't Let Go
Click Here

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