It Takes a Leap of Faith to Trust In God Part:II Hagar’s Deliverance

It Takes a Leap of Faith to Trust In God
Part:II Hagar’s Deliverance
(Freedom! The Unexpected Gift)

This second part of It Takes a Leap of Faith, is  title - Hagar Deliverance (Freedom! The Unexpected Gift). The story is about a Egyptian slave woman who became caught up in her mistress Sarai attempt to attain a child. Sarai finds herself 75 years old, way past the stage of fertility, barren, desperately wanting a child, so she takes matters into her own hands by the misuse of a slave named Hagar. Sarai order Hagar to use her body as the means to bring forth a child she believed to have become impossible for her to have. This seem to be a no way out situation for Hagar, she obeys the request, for this is her role as Sarai slave, and to remain obedient while doing so. Hagar's obedience later ordered by The Lord for her to return after she fled Sarai abuse will eventually lead to an unexpected gift called Freedom, and she will find it just when she thought all hope has perished.  

Gen 21:14-16. Abraham yield to Sarai request and Exile Hagar and their son. He gave Hagar and Ishmael  bread and water to sustain them. They traveled in The Wilderness of Beersheba until the water ran out. Hagar placed Ishmael under the shrubs, then sat some ways off from him for she did not want to see her son perish, so she wept. Can you imagine Hagar's despair? The thoughts running through her mind at a time such as this. I mean Hagar mind could have been playing reruns on when she came to be utilize by Sarah to conceive, and bear a child within her on behalf of her mistress, and Abram. Then order to married Abram for that purpose only. Hagar was a (slave). As a slave she carries out what was set before her. During that time her feelings have grown for Abram. To never knew a man, Abram becomes her first encounter. But only to end up cast out from among them, along with her child that Sarai desperately wanted through her.

Now that Sarah's son The Lord promise her and Abraham has come at 90 years of age. Now that Sarah's desire became the fulfillment she needed. Cast aside like garbage, Hagar, and her son both left to perish in the wilderness. Hagar may also recall  back on the time when she fled from Sarai abuse while the unborn child still within her womb, then The Lord instructed her to return to her mistress and submit herself. She obeyed The Lord, only to end up later exile into the wilderness. Through her tears, and now there's fear, for death seems close, and knocking at their door. Hagar was preparing herself and her son for death. She had forgotten God's promised unto her concerning Ishmael (Gen 16:10-13).
Image result for Pharaoh gave Abram gifts because of Sarai
One thing that needs a closer investigation concerning the facts about Hagar is she use to be a slave in Egypt. Abraham was in Egypt around the age of 75-76, during that time. Abram obtained through deception gifts, because Pharaoh's eyes were on Sarai, who pretending to be his sister and not his wife, a position He put her up to do. Now one of those gifts were maidservants. Hagar was an Egyptian bond servant, later to become a slave for Abraham's wife for about 10 years. It came a time when Sarah proposes to use Hagar to produce a child for her and Abraham. It said's in KJV.Gen (16:3). And Abram’s wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after they had dwelt 10 years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband to be his wife. This is now 16 years later which would make it about 26 or 27 years as Sarah's slave.

Now exile into the wilderness with her son Ishmael. Ishmael, now raised up around Abraham for 16 or 17 years, which means they developed a bound as father and son relationship. Ishmael had to be taught about The God of his father during those years. (Proverbs. 22:6) It says – Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. I reference this proverb because (Gen. 21:17) The Word says- That God heard the voice of the lad, then The Angel of The Lord call to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her what aileth thee? In a way a physician would ask his patient. Fear not for God had heard the voice of the lad where he is. How many of us know that the Lord is our doctor in our sick room? The Lord heard her son.  He did not say He heard her cry. The Lord said He heard his voice, evidently Ishmael new how to call on the name of The Lord.

In spite of his envy, and jealousy towards his brother Isaac. In spite of his mockery against the promise heir. This was a predestine word spoken unto Abraham that came into being. God still heard his voice and responded. Isaac had to remember one important thing during the years of his upbringing when he dwelt with his father, and that is how to call on The God of Abraham. The Lord responded to his prophetic name which is Ishmael, meaning - (God hears). The Lord instructed his mother to name him Ishmael. The Lord then revealed unto Hagar a well among the shrubs. Ishmael and Hagar had been revived. The Lord Thy God has delivered Hagar, and set her free from bondage. Being into captivity generally, all of her life she did not anticipate the freedom that awaited her in the wilderness.

All she visioned at that time was death approaching them. But instead of death, a transition to life was giving, and freedom followed behind it. Hagar does not have to endure the servant hood of a slave for anyone anymore except for - The True Master of The Universe if she choose so.  Slavery use to be, and in some places still is a common practice among the Egyptians and the Arabs. The title of a bond servant has been removed from her physically. Bond servant (slave) could have been a generational curse inherited, then passed down to Hagar in Egypt during that time area which was consider the bronze age. The Egyptians enslaved  their own people in those days. Now Hagar and her son received freedom. This became a time for rejoicing. Through all the adversity that comes with being a slave. Through living under Sarah abuse. Through not having the privilege to be in love with a husband of her  own.

Through being utilize for the desires of others, then pass around from one master to another. Through deportation from Egypt, then down trodden, toss aside like trash into the wilderness. Through slave trafficking striped of her freedom, then used to boost others ego by serving them. Now only a few breaths away from perishing, in the spare of a moment, The Lord steps in to delivered her from death. He set her free from bondage, and being exploited. Just when she allowed the thought of all hope to perish, Grace and Mercy steps in. Hagar obedience sets in motion her freedom. Through it all, her obedience, also set in motion the seed of Abram to grow within her. Obedience brought her back to submit to Sarai, so that her son could be raise up among them.

Obedience set in motion the bonding that developed between Abraham and Ishmael.  A bonding that lasted for 16-17 years. If Hagar had not obeyed The Lord, none of these events could have taken place. The trails that open up the door for freedom would have not came about. She would have still been in captivity. But because of hermael Obedience, along with Our Lord's Grace and Mercy, The Lord preserved Hagar and her son. The Word of God says (Gen. 21:20) And God was with the Lad. Then he grew and dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and became an Archer. He lived by the bow. Hagar went to Egypt, (vs. 21). and took him a wife out on the land of Egypt, but they dwelt in the wilderness of Paran. Twelve princes came out of the seed of Ishmael, and God made him a great nation.
Ishmael The Archer
Related imageo
Ishmael genetics is of the Hebrews because of Abraham gene pool of Eber,are progenitors of the Hebrews which are Joktan and Peleg. Peleg is the ancestor of Abraham. He is also part Egyptian for His mother Hagar was a Egyptian slave. Hagar got her son a wife from Egypt, which makes his descendants Hebrew / Egyptians.



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It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust God Part I

It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust in God Part II Hagar Deliverance

IT Takes A Leap Of Faith To Trust In God III

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