Walking through The Valley of The Shadow of Death

Walking through The Valley 
of The Shadow of Death

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Hello Saints of God this devotional came about in this trail I’m going Through now. Satan has thrown at me everything he can throw even the Kitchen sink. As I was praying the other day Psalms 23 just kept coming into my spirit  mostly verses 3-4 He restores my soul: He leads me on the path of righteousness for His name’s sake But Yea, though I walk Through The valley of the shadow of death, I Fear no evil: for His Rod and His Staff  They comfort me.  Facing Cancer seems to be a horrifying situation no matter how you look at it. You can not find anything pleasant about it, even through the treatment of chemo there’s a challenge  with the side effects.

Being diagnose with Essential Thrombocythemia  one of Myeloproliferative  blood cancer  sounds scary all by itself knowing your blood circulates through the whole body. There is a certain fear about the mortality rate, and after researching I found out how it can transform into other cancers under the other Myeloproliferative blood cancers (MPNS) like PV, polycythemia vera, and myeloid Metaplasia with Myelofibrosis,   chronic Myelogenous Leukemia  leading to  the last stages of Acute Leukemia and  Eosinophilia along with the complications for high risk  people with diabetes due to it’s effect on platelets and white cell count in your blood.  I am a Diabetic.

Going through the labs of years back it was found that I had this condition for years unbeknown to me. The high platelets and the high white cell count where on my lab work, but not brought to my attention until 2017.  I was going through the symptoms of this disorder all along from vertigo, ulcerative colitis, I landed in the hospital with GERD but it mimics a heart attack, joint inflammation, blood clot in the big toe I stub two years ago, and later hit  that exact same toe last February leading to surgery of an infected ingrown toenail . Joint deterioration in my knee, cause by Osteoarthritis in both knees, Plantar Fasciitis in left foot with bursitis in right heel, x- rays show Degenerative Arthritis in left  foot with bone spurs.

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Blood pressure high while on meds.  Now the diagnosis this year at the end of September 2019 Blood cancer. I Am already going through the valley of the shadow of death. Facing the possibility of a blood clot forming and traveling to my lungs, heart, or brain at any moment,  any hour, any second, any day, or days to come. When I think about How many blood clots has my God blocked over the years and through each affliction His Rod and Staff comfort me. If they had done a bone marrow biopsy back then instead of all MRI, CT scans, and chest x- rays, joint x- rays, Joint MRI,   Brain MRI screenings, balance screenings,  Toe Surgery, almost Knee Surgery for meniscus tear  that is still there. When I first came to PABC I had just had eye surgery on both my  eye’s cataract removal

I mean you name it I been through it.  When I look back over my life and I think things over, I can truly say that I Am Bless for His Rod and Staff comforts me In The Midst of It All. I can truly say The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not want. He leads me beside  the still waters as he continues to give me dreams and visions while  He restoreth my soul: He lead me on the path of righteousness for His name sake as He brings me through it all while I walk through the The Valley of The Shadow of Death I Fear no Evil, He is with me His ROD and Staff comforts me right in the unknownExodus chapter 7- Like Moses Facing Pharaoh knowing there is a possibility that He can be killed on sight for he was wanted for murdering a Egyptian before running away for forty years.

Coming face to face with his past to front  the one who has his people and relatives in bondage. You can call this a suicide mission, come on now! Moses is eighty years old.  For forty years in the valley tending sheep of his father in law. a fugitive from Egypt But God. Facing your Fears. Moses is Walking Through The Valley of The Shadow of Death. Moses had to go through it  he had no choice. After Moses encounter with The LORD, The  LORD Thy God anointed what he used to tend sheep with, and sends Moses to use it as a Rod of Correction against Pharaoh. Exodus 7:8-12  The LORD said unto Moses and Aaron - When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, take Thy Rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent, And Moses and Aaron went unto Pharaoh, and they did so as The LORD had commanded.

Image result for Aaron casting down the road before Pharaoh

Aaron cast down his Rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the Magicians of Egypt, they also did like manner with  their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod and they became serpents: but Aaron’s Rod swallowed up their rods.  Why in the Beginning of this battle was a Rod turn into a Serpent? It was the first display of God’s power before Pharaoh. The Serpent Represent The Evil dark Demonic forces that is operating in Egypt for it was The Serpent Satan used to deceive Eve in The Beginning. 

The LORD is taking back what The Devil has stolen. Our God used the Transformation of The Rod in Aaron's hand and turn it into a Serpent when cast to the ground as an instrument of deliverance when it swallows up the other rods that turn into serpents displaying the first Door Opening to the beginning of the Israelites ExodusThe Rod Paving a path while removing and destroying every obstacle in their way. The Rod of correction and Staff of direction symbolize the Love of The Father over his sons/daughters, The love of a Shepherd over His sheep while displaying the true Sovereign Power of God that overpowers all power of The Enemy, destroying the wise men, and the sorcerers, and the Magicians tricks.

His Rod Swallowing up their snakes openly and destroy every instrument Satan uses, come on now!  The Rod and Staff of God opens up a pathway to follow when you are being led by The LORDExodus 7:19- His Rod turns the waters, rivers, and the pools in Egypt into blood. Exodus 8:5-6 His Rod stretch out over the streams, rivers and ponds causing frogs to come upon the land of Egypt. Exodus 8:16-17 His Rod was stretch out and smite the dust bringing forth lice throughout all the land of Egypt.  Exodus 9:23 His Rod was stretched out towards the heavens and the Lord sent thunder, and fire His Staff directed them to the Red Sea, His Rod parted The Red Sea when it seems they were trap.  

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If you have not notice throughout the Bible God uses the A Rod and the symbolism of a Rod to exercise His Authority to Reveal, Lead, Heal, and Deliver His  people out of their inflictions Spiritually and Physically, while also using it to Protect us from any hurt, harm, or danger seen, and unseen.  His Rod and Staff is used as an instrument of miracles as in (Exodus 7:10). The Lord had me to  research the work of a shepherd when tended to his sheep in order to understand the purpose of the Rod and Staff use for Direction and Correction also for Detours. The Staff was used to hold the sheep during shearing and for gentle correction or redirecting. The hook at the top end of the staff was fit around the neck or head of the sheep to reroute them while their in the valley of  the shadow of death. Wolves and other predators lurking about seeking whom they may devour. But The Shepherd is on guard.

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Do Sheep Really  Only Listen To Their Shepherd

John 10:27,28 The Lord said - my sheep hears my voice, and I know them, and they follow him.  And He gives unto us Eternal Life, and we shall never perish,  Neither shall any one pluck us out of His Hands. It’s good to know that you are in the hands of The LORD. No matter what your going through. Even through the valley of the shadow of death  your are in the hands of The LORD. Through diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, prison, Courts, persecution,  all your trails, all the afflictions the world can throw at you, through financial hardship, through evictions, through joblessness, being   homeless, disabilities, fall downs, trip ups Your are in The Hands of The LORD,  and no one or nothing can pluck you out of His Hand.

The sheep of The LORD knows His voice Due to The time the Shepherd spends tending His sheep. He feeds, groom, guides, directs, and protects them. The Shepherd spends his days as well as his nights watching over His sheep with his Rod and Staff with him. When a Sheep strays, The Shepherd goes and looks for him, and uses His Rod and staff to bring him back into the fold. When a sheep tumbles over The shepherd use his Staff to help lift the sheep and turn it over to put him back on his feet, for a sheep cannot get back on his feet on it’s own and The Lord compares us to sheep. The word right there removes the pull yourself up by your own boot straps philosophy. If there is no one to help that sheep when it stumbles or falls over, it can die on it’s back.

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Aren't you glad The Lord is In control of our most desperate
situation, in our whirlwind of afflictions while going through 
the valley of the shadow of death, Fearing no evil His Rod
and Staff will comfort us. As He preparest a table before
you in the presence of your enemies He anointest
our head with oil; your cup runneth over. Surely 
goodness and mercy shall follow us 
all the days of our lives; and we will 
dwell in the house of the 
God Is 
Always there 
In The Midst of It All
Through The Storms, The Fire, The Rain
Through The Pandemic, The Wars, and Rumors of Wars


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