THE BRIDGE IS OUT (When God Sets Detours)

When God Sets Detours

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Hello Saints of God one thing we all know in this walk of life for sure is that we all are in need of DIRECTION. On this journey of life are you sure your going in the right direction? Are you on the path The Lord set for you? You heard the saying Stay In Your Lane. Well what if you are in the right lane, but something was thrown in your path to cause a trip up, or a Detour is made by The Divine to help you avoid that stumbling block. A Serious Pit Fall The Enemy knows how to twist things to make you think your off course, or twist things to take you off course. No matter which one it may be, trust in The Lord in the middle of the confusion. Things can get twisted unknowingly this can be a temporary blind spot just do not allow it to become a permanent one. 

One thing I’m learning is The Lord uses Detours so you can get around the traps Satan has set up for you, But if you were to fall in that trap do not stay there reach for The Lord He surely knows how to turn that situation around. Repentance's is the major key when you slip up. Stumble or fall. For God is a forgiving God and knows your weakness.  He allows these stumbles in order to Open Up Our Eyes to our weaknesses, so we are able to see the traps Satan sets when they come around again, and they will. Getting Past The Test.  Knowing when to go ahead or Stand still is important. Is The Lord moving you in a different direction. Is He calling you out of stagnation? Every servant of The Most High God will go through these tests and trails, or set backs with Detours.

For Examples - Let's go back to some of The Patriots of The Bible. I will use Abraham's Journey starting with his calling. Detours were in this family path from the first mention of them in Genesis 11:26 where the gene pool  of Abram begins. Terah (Abram’s father) was seventy years of age when he begat Abram, then he had Nahor, (meaning snort - a snort is to force air violently through the nose) note Nahor was named after his grandfather look in verse 24) and Haran, then Haran begat Lot. Haran being the youngest, but yet died before his father. Abram married Sarai which later you will find in Genesis 20:12 Sarai is his half sister. 

Terah being Sarai father by another woman other than Abram’s mother, and likewise with Nahor wife Milcah which happens to be his deceased brother's daughter, Genesis 11:29 and Lots sister. This means they are related genetically also. What a twist and turn. Abram married his sister, and Nahor married his niece. What a ball of confusion.  Ur of the Chaldees is of Babylon and Abram family native land. After Haran’s death Terah took this family and exit out of their native Land of Ur of The Chaldees and went forth to go into The land of Canaan. First DETOUR they went into The Land of Haran. 

Terah dwelt in Haran where he  died. It seems Terah never made it to Canaan once he stopped in Haran. What had him  to stay there instead of continuing his journey stagnation leads to complicity? His path was to Canaan, but something kept him back. He was two hundred and five years old when he died in Haran.  Was it the grief of his youngest son death still pulling him in his heart holding him in a place he should have been passing through, for the place he settle at was Haran.

(Haran was a known seat of the worship of Sin, the moon-god). Haran  was also the same name as his son. Was Terah son named after this city? Terah name means- Delay, Wanderer did he live up to his name. Could this Detour to Haran costed Terah what could have been?  Was this road block or was The Bridge Out  when he was trying to cross it? Did his culture, tradition, or lagacy  keep him captive? Back then when a name was given, it was a prophetic description of what the child’s character will be, or it describes the child’s features.  Terah name seems to have described his path.

Genesis 12:1  The LORD called  unto Abram  to come out of that country, and from  thy father's house and from thy kindred, unto a land I will show you. Abram was seventy five years of age when he left Haran. So His father had to be one hundred and forty five years of age because he begot Abram when he was seventy years old. (Chapter 11:26)  But yet he died in Haran at the age of two hundred and five (Genesis 11:32) which means Terah stay in Haran for sixty more years after Abram departure

The LORD  Promise to Abram - He said 12:1- 4 I will make you a great nation, I will bless you,  and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you, and in you all the families of the earth  be blessed. So Abram departed, as The LORD had spoken unto him. But he brought his decease brother's Haran son Lot. He came through the land unto the place Sichem, and unto the plain of Moreh. The Canaanites was then in the land. The LORD appeared unto Abram and said unto your seed will I give this land and there Abram built an altar unto The LORD.

Abram continue to journeyed, going on toward the south. And there was a grievous famine in the land, second  (DETOUR), Abram went off the path and sojourn in Egypt.  Was this of The LORD Divine intervention,  Was the bridge out, or a snare The Enemy setup?  Sometimes The LORD allows you to wallow in your own mess in order to open up your eyes, or to deal with some of those strongholds that The LORD needs to free you from. 

Image result for Abram going into Egypt

Genesis 12:10-16 Abram decided to solicit His wife for he feared the Egyptians would kill him over her, for she was very beautiful. You can bring the man out of a corrupted land, but yet the corruptness remain in Abram. Trickery, and Deception is what he knew. His wife agree to play the roll and he used her to deceive Pharaoh. Pharaoh had his eyes on Sarai. In the process of this Abram receive gifts of menservants, maidservants camels, and she asses, sheep from Pharaoh for he believes Sarai was his sister and entreated Abram because of it. 

There were many detours in Abram’s journey, even one cause by one of  the gifts which was a handmade given from Pharaoh. This was a serious Detour delaying the birth of the promise child bringing forth a bond servant son to become the first born of Abram but not the child The LORD Promise. They became to operating in the system of polygamy. This was  part of the culture in those days, Sarah was seventy five years of age when she presented her servant as a mean to have a child. This misstep took a good while in the wilderness for the undoing of self preparation,  one of the consequences of not trusting in The LORD. Then LORD steps in fifteen years later and  flip the script of conception while Abram and Sarai  were in their ripe and old age of the impossible, as in bringing forth fruit out of Sarah ninety year old womb. The LORD keeps His promise he gave Sarai and Abram after He change their names to Abraham and Sarah.

The  promise of the seed Isaac was sealed through the Covenant of Circumcision bringing the promise seed forth a year later Genesis after the angelic visitation (17:10 -19). In Spite of the corrupted genealogy of Abram who father and Grandfather worshiped other deities like the moon god, stars,  and to add incest to the equation. Abram married his own sister and his brother married their niece, they were brought up in an corrupted environment. The LORD decided to take a corrupted seed (Abram) who’s belief was accounted as righteousness in spite of his handicaps , flaws,  trip up and downs, The LORD brings Abram out of the most corrupted territory and later changes his name to Abraham, and still uses his gene pool  centuries down the line to incarnated Himself in order to bring forth Salvation to all of humanity.

The LORD reaches deep down into the dirt of corruption to undo the corruptness of humanity, then plant the seed of righteousness that later sprouts up through The manifestation of our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ. What The LORD can do with the worst of us after an encounter with Him is nothing less than a miracle, for He loves us just that much and He is true to His Word He quoted in Exodus 34:6,7 which was repeated back to Him when He was considering wiping out the Israelites, and disinherit them when they had in their hearts to stone Moses in Numbers 14:10 but Moses pleaded their case (Intercessory Prayer) reminding The LORD of His own proclamation in Numbers 14:17-18 which says - The LORD is long suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty. visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the third and forth generation

GOD IS A Merciful God that sets us on The path of righteousness
for His name sake. One who  decided before we were
Formed in  the womb that He would pay the  price 
And  become  The ultimate  sacrifice for all 
humanity. There’s No Greater Love Than 
This.  For   The wages  of Sin is 
death but The Gift of God is 
Eternal Life
Satan came to steal, kill, and 
destroy humanity But Jesus came that you may
have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10.


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