How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good 
news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things,
 who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, Your God Reigns!’ 
Your Watchmen shall lift up their voices, with their voices 
they shall sing together; for they shall See 
Eye to Eye when The Lord 
brings back 
(Isaiah 52:7).

Hello Saints I have to share what The Lord has shown me through my frustration in the month of March back in 2019 and what I have been through for three days strait starting on early Friday mourning hours a little after 12 am on the 3/8/19 of that month. My Mom was going through stages of dementia she was forgetting  way more often than usual,  but still manageable with patients. My Mom misplace her watch. For three days her rising up in the morning, her afternoons, and her laying down she fusses about not being able to find her watch it got to the point she became accusing me day, and night it became stressful, mostly due to the fact I could not search like I really wanted to due to the wound on my big toe.

She had crying spells no one wants to see their moms crying. So I took my time and kept looking everywhere in the house. She’s screaming out give me my watch back, and where is my watch, Finally after a long night of her not sleeping again, and screaming out these same words. The pain in my toe seems to increase had to take it easy while we both are in a state of confusion.  The next day was Sunday 3/10/19 and she still was raving. While I was getting her clothes together, her socks she had on the other day were left on the chair in the bedroom, so while picking up the socks to put them away I felt something kind of hard in them, and it happens to be her watch. Three days and three nights of this confusion I began to yell myself for I was very offended of her accusations forgetting this is part of her declining dementia. 

 The Lord had restore peace in our home, and removed The Spirit of Strife. She has not accuse me of anything in quite some time now. I was very comfortable with this, so why now at such a time as this? This happens to bring back memories of past arguments of persecution, and false allegations towards me. Why now? I'm losing my cool this is not me, Lord you change me, Why am I feeling this way? I learned through this no matter what The Lord has deliver you from it depends on what situation you find yourself in God has a way of showing you, You. 


They have professionals to handle these type of mood behaviors. I was seeing it as the Enemy attack on me through her. Well in fact it was, but The Lord allowed it to happen at a already vulnerable time for me. Why Lord? was my question until Sunday mourning when I found her watch. Not realizing it’s a message from The Lord. Just happy it was found and peace was restored. The next morning Monday 3/11/19 after breakfast My mom starts to complain. I say to myself what now?

 I can't not go through this again. I come to find out her Watch completely stop working. It is a Timex and it stop ticking without a licking. She gives it to me to see if I can get it fix. I went to put it up and a voice said look at the time. It was 12:40 pm. This didn't mean anything to me at that moment. What was The Holy Spirit saying? I looked for a picture online of a watch with the time on it, and then realize I can take a picture of my moms Watch with the time on it when it stop.

The next day On The Tues 3/12/19 after my warfare prayer I pray this prayer everyday. I go through the whole apartment as The Lord instructed me months ago before the peeper got caught.  All 33 blood cover battle prayers before I start my day with my daily chores and caring for mom. When I finished with everything, I set down to get (Into The Word of God) then began writing the devotional, and the fire alarm goes off a few times inside the apartment building hallway. This was a malfunction of the alarm, this is what I was thinking, for there was no fire. I set back down in my chair, and I here in my Spirit  Watch.

 I continue to start writing and I here  again in my Spirit saying Watch, and while I continue to complete the next devotional the Word Watch was resounding in my mind. It is so clear Watch, Be Alert. The Fire Alarm was symbolic to Sound The Alarm. I began to look up the bible terms of the word Watch. The Lord sent me a symbolic message through my moms behavior as she kept saying My Watch throughout the day and night for three days. The scripture He took me to is Ephesians (6:18) the last but not least weapon of warfare - Praying always with all prayer and supplication In The Spirit, and Watching thereunto with All Perseverance and Supplication for All Saints.

Do not dismiss The Whole Armor of God so to walk breathe, and live wearing your covering until all that can be seen in you and through you is JesusLet's look at the word Watching meaning ( To look at or observe attentively over a period of time) there unto with all Perseverance which means - (Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success) Continue no matter what. It is a duty. Supplication Means - (to plead humbly to God) For All Saints. There are times when we really do not feel like praying. I am one to admit this due to the everyday challenges I faced with caring for my mom who had dementia.  If there is ever a challenge this was one of them while I was enduring my own afflictions, but this did not forfeit me from caring for my mom back then, and face upfront with what I go through now.  The same is for praying be consistent praying with all prayer and supplication. 


My battle prayer becomes a must, so I call on The Holy Spirit as I rise out of bed to give me the desire and strength to go through the whole prayer as I walk through the whole apartment. I Prayed over mom first. Difficulties happens, but continue to press through. I did not use to pray like this, but my trails and battles has me to pray right in the middle of my battles, for The battle is not minds It Is The Lords. Battle Cries come out of me. This is when God strengthen you in The Spirit, in Physical, and in the mental, Sometimes I sigh in exhaustion because of my moms energy that kept  her moving around. She was moves around in a fidgety state of mind, and my slow ability to keep up the pace due to my toe, and my daily duties in the household, but prayer changes things.

The Lord is really saying for us to pray for the strength and the ability to pray always for one another in The Body of Christ,  as well for yourself through the power of The Holy Ghost. Not by might, Not by Power, But by The Spirit of The Lord. Even when your going through pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.  Not just for who we know but for All Saints He details this in Eph, verse 18. Now I lay me down to sleep is not going to do it anymore that's child's play. This is not to say do not pray for those who are not of The Faith, but more so for those who are, like your sisters and brothers in Christ for we are under serious persecution and the heat is rising. To do this is to get to know those all around you that are in The Faith. 

 For example: Jesus pray for Peter strength after revealing unto to him that Satan desire to have him and sift him as wheat. Luke 22: 31-34. Do you know that this is the same way Satan is towards us. He is the accuser of The brethren/sister In Christ. Peter is with Jesus walking together within His presence upfront, and in a personal relation when He walked the earth. This is saying even when we walk with Jesus, talk with Jesus Satan is on your heels even when you abide in Jesus, as He abide in you. Satan smells The Lord on you, and he is on your trail. He is the provoker of entrapment. He is the trickster of tricks he is a deceiver. He searches you everyday looking for that opening were he can enter.


Romans 8:1, Thank God there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, but there are consequence for your knowing and willing actions in sin even under pressure. You will be tried, You will go through trials, but The Lord always make a way of escape for us look for the door God opens and go through it.  You have to be Awake in The Spirit in order to See your way out. Let The Lord be your Eyes and Ears. The Lord says - Behold, I am coming as a thief”—suddenly and unexpectedly. “Blessed is he who Watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked (uncovered) and they see his shame.” The Lord did not stop here when revealing to me what He is saying in The Spirit.  

The Spirit says Sound Alarm! He is cleansing His house. I research further on the word Watch in the Bible and The Lord lead me to Ezekiel 33:1-7  I do not believe in coincidence and this scripture is exactly similar to what the Lord is saying to me through The Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel- 33 1. Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their Watchman: 3 If when he see the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4 Then whosoever hear the sound of the trumpet, and take not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that take warning shall deliver his soul. 

6 But if The Watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. 7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a Watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.   (HEAR THIS CLEAR)  THE LORD is setting up Watchmen in The House Hold of God, as He is pruning and tuning those to here The Lord voice, and for those who obey not The Lord is removing. Watch While Pray! Satan Surely desires to Sift Us As Wheat. 

Sound The Trumpet The Lord Is Removing and Replacing In The House Hold of God. 

Get Your House In Order! be very attentive to what ever your are doing. 
Wake Up!
Watch disturbing picture of Indian policemen sleeping on one another during poll duty. Only one man seems to be Alert and  Watching in the background. 

Let This Not Be An Analogy of The Church At This  
Branch of Zion

 I went out on the 4th of March to  The CVS get more bandages, and wound cleaner along with my prescription needed I use one of the shoe flops my daughter left here to ware on my foot. I mention The Lord always use me, and put people in my path to speak to or pray over others when I'm out and about. This was no different.  As I was picking out what I needed there was a person beside me looking for bandages also she was being assisted by one of the pharmacy aids I did not look at her. While I was reading the package for wound care then a voice said Hi Trudy, and to my surprise as I look up it was one of our members, and as my Eye's set on her The Lord said pray for her. 

I ask how she was doing, but I can see she was not well at all. She spoke about how her doctor made a mistake and a prescription given her was on recall list, but she was not informed. I ask her what was the name of the prescription she couldn't not tell me, she didn't remember but she continue to complain, and I ask her as the Spirit said to me  - are you on dialysis her skin has darken and  her lips are real pink? She responded I am now, I ask her can I pray over you, and she let me a strong spirit is on her, so I pray as The Lord gave me the words to pray over her. I'm asking for all to truly lift Her up every one of your sisters and brothers in prayer It's  is very much needed at a time as this. It is not God's plan that any should perish.

She says - The Lord told her to leave the Church, and she found another church where her Pastor preach what she wants to here.  I say this again, what she wants to hear. I said  to myself - what about what The Lord has to say. The Lord said to me in the spirit, as I meditate on this -  People come to His house to hear what caters to their wants and not there needs. The Household of God is full of people who are looking for smooth and seducing sermons, Prosperity Sermons of the world and not of The Spirit of God. Some minister and Pastors are giving them just that, not The Sword Piercing Word of God that convicts their souls and brings His people to repentance.

 Some Just do not want to know the Truth, for they have their own agenda and not GODs will,  and so many are being deceive. The Lord brought this back to my mind after going through the three days of my moms watch  being missing. No more sleeping keep watching be Alert! God Is moving in the most unusual way. He wants  me to  researcher more on The Watchman. 

Luke 12:37-40 King James Version (KJV)

37 Blessed are those servants, whom The Lord when he come shall find Watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. 38  And if He shall come in The Second Watch, or come in The Third Watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. 39 And this know, that if the good man of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have Watched, and not have suffered his house to be broke through. Verse 40 goes exactly with the time on the watch when it stop. Now I know why The Holy Spirit said look at the time on the Watch, which was 12:40 for This verse is Luke 12:40 40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man come at an hour when ye think not.

I once said  how 333, 111, are significant anointed numbers during this event in my life when I injured my toe it was on the 2/21/19 to 3/12/19 The Lord begins to speak to me from the 12 to the 15 of the month  of March in 2019.  This was when The Lord started to reveal  and unfold to me what He was saying in my Spirit. In each time period you will find the number 3 plays a roll. It was three weeks since my injury, and three days of chaos, and confusion around moms missing watch as The Lord was sending me a message in the middle of The Chaos and He directs me to Ezekiel 33. This is saying in The middle of the Chaos that surrounds you Look for  Jesus. He orchestrated The Chaos to convey a message to you. He uses pain to keep us humble, and Chaos to deliver His message. I would not think God would send Chaos to deliver a message. Pray for me, as We pray for our Church, and The Whole Body of Christ, and Truly this world The Lord say This Is the same Messages He Is Sending Through The House of Representatives as well as The Senate  He is using Chaos to send a message so  Watch While Pray!   The Lord had me to Resend this revealed word again as The Holy Spirit instruct me to do so at such a time as this. The Lord sometimes Sends Chaos To Deliver His Message. (Coronavirus) and all of its offspring, Russia/Ukrainian War and all that is going to follow behind this event in such a time as this. 


Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

Eyes Haven't Seen 
Click Here

In The Sincerity of The Holy Spirit
Sis. Seer Trudy

Desperately Seeking Jesus 111

Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Was It In Vain

You Shall Seek Me, and Find Me When You Search For Me With All Your Heart

In your brokenness I Am

God Is Not Through With Me Yet

Spiritual Warfare - Predatory Demons on Assignment

Long Road Back To Jesus

Heart A Flame In His Presence

In Everything There Is In Life, My Lord! It Is You I See

Don't Waste Your Breath (Ruach)

Caught Up (Ekstasis) In The Exhaust of Gods Nostrils

Come Boldly Before The Throne of Grace

The Lord Restores His Order In Our Steps In His Word

More Birth Pains To Come I

More Birth pains to Come II / Five Pies The Lords Order

The Manifestation of The Lord in Dreams I

The Manifestation of The Lord In Dreams II

Mistaken Identity Part I (Who Are You Really)

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

Mistaken Identity II (Who Are You Really

Blessed Assurance Are You Covered?

Takes Off The Clothes of Sheol Then Put On The Garment Of Praise

Resounding Echoes of Ancestry Past

Jesus Is Our Brace That Gives Support

Spiritual Warfare Weapons of Mass Destruction

Evidence of Things Not Seen (Through The Physical Eye)

What Is Circling Over The Carnal Mind?

Zion Watchman



Major Weapon of Mass Destruction II Deception

Spiritually and Physically Bankrupt

Who Let The Dogs Out? Spiritual Warfare

Bread of Life, Breath of Life

Waters of Separation


Mind Set

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice ll (Cain and Abel)

The Sovereignty of God

Try The Spirit By The Spirit


The Drawing John 6:44

Are We Fighting, or Inviting The Demonic Into Our Lives


It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust God Part I

It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust in God Part II Hagar Deliverance

IT Takes A Leap Of Faith To Trust In God III

The Pruning In The Spirit

Pressing Through The Concrete Walls In The Pits Of Society

The Falling Trees,The Fallen Trees & The Felling Trees

When I Knew Not Jesus (Broken Emotionally,Physically, and Spiritually

Spiritual Regression (How Did I Get Here)

God's Amazing and Extraordinary Grace

Knocking On Heavens Door

Door of Vision Door of Sight Jesus Is The Door Who Opens Up Your Eyes


The Bridge Is Out (When God Sets Detours)

Walking Through The Valley of The Shadow of Death

When It Hurts Like Hell Will You Still Praise Him

Touching The Hem of His Glory / The Blood FLow

Coming Into Full Circle, The Ring of Fire

Nobody Told Me This Road Would Be Easy