Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice II (Cain and Abel)



Cain means - (Smith, Spear) This quotation came from the Westminster Dictionary of The Bible.  Smith is an artificer who molds and shapes iron and brass and all type of metal into tools,  and weapons they are called blacksmiths, which were what the descendants of Cain Tubal-Cain occupations were. Spear is a weapon for thrusting but it could be used for hurling also. A Spear is use to inflict wounds.  I was inspired by The Holy Spirit to reference these two meanings because, during the start of humanity your name had a prophetic meaning back then your name prophetically describe your appearance or the nature and character as to who you will become or who you are already.  

As a artificer a Spear could have been something Cain shape from wood, stone or metal or all combined to slew his brother with. By being a tiller of the ground he would have made some type of instrument in or tool to use in order to do his task. We may consider his actions toward his brother premeditated murder because it was already in his heart to behave so. The Word do not say how Cain slew his brother, but according to The Word it did say in (KJV) Gen (4:10) -The Lord said the voice of thy brother’s blood cries out unto The Lord from the ground, which means Abel was bleeding from the wounds or injuries which was inflicted by Cain.  Now there were consequences for Cain’s actions.

In Gen (4:11) The Lord curse Cain from the earth that received his brothers blood by his hand, so when Cain tilled the ground, it will not yield fruit unto him, he shall not prosper in farming, a fugitive and a vagabond he shall be in the land. Vagabond KJV means - Wandering: moving from place to place without any settled habitation, without any directions, a drifter (exile). Cain show no repentance of his actions, but could not bear his punishment so he cried out unto The Lord out of fear (afraid) someone may seek revenge.  Notice in Gen (5:1-4) Adam and Eve had another son when they were 130 years of age and named him Seth but it was not until after Seth was born before they had other children, sons first and then daughters according to The Word.

Cain was exiled and without human contact for more than 100 years because he had to wait until Adam and Eve have a daughter which came after Seth’s birth In order for Cain to have a son he would need a female. Since Adam and Eve was created on the same day, they were the same age so after Seth then they had sons and daughters so Cain had to wait for a female/sister to be born and come of age before he was able to marry and procreate. So Cain was wondering around in the Wilderness of isolation for along time. He could not even speak to The Lord. The Lord set a mark upon Cain so that if anyone should slay him vengeance shall come upon them seven fold.  

Well, he did not have to worried about that for a while since it was way later before Eve had other sons and Seth was the third son of theirs at that time.There was no one to seek revenge except his parents something to really think about. I'm more than sure His imagination was all over the place no cities or person to communicate a taste of hell with out the fire. mentally unstable but The Lord's Grace is at play here.

The Lord had driven Cain out that day from the face of the earth because he use to be a tiller of the ground and from the face of God isolation was Cain’s habitation for more than 100 years, could you imagine being in the wilderness for  more than 100 years without no one to talk to or relate with not even God to talk to his companion would have had to be the animals and the creatures that crawl among the earth. Oh I'm am sure Satan demons had more their part The Lord in his mindset. In spite of Cain’s wrongs The Lord had mercy on him (unmerited favor) he received isolation as part of his curse but God prevented anyone from doing unto him as he had done unto his brother.

Abel: name means (heb, Hebel, breath) - applies to Abel from the shortness of his life; some derive it from (Akkadian, ablu, son). Abel was Adam’s second born child he was a shepherd, a keeper of sheep. Abel was the one that presented the first offering that was accepted by God. Abel’s offering was a lamb taken from his fold (The first sacrificial offering was a lamb from Abel’s flock). Abel’s fear (respect) of The Lord was controlled by his trust. The Word says in Gen (4:4) that Abel brought the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. The Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering. Now this defines Abel as being an ethical man who loved and fear The Lord. Abel’s offering alone shows submission, obedience, true worship, gratefulness and a sense of obligation towards The Lord. 

Abel actions also reflected The Image of God. According to The Word Abel was the first human shepherd. A shepherd is one who takes care of a flock of sheep, and a shepherd is a leader who leads his sheep to greener pastures. A shepherd also takes charge of his sheep and is also responsible for any lost sheep because he is a protector of all of his sheep so he will risk and lay down his life to defend his sheep from predators, and robbers. The Good Shepherd spends his days with them in the pasture and his nights with them so that no harm would occur upon them. 

A shepherd cannot afford to fall asleep on the job he has to stay alert and be aware of all his surroundings in order to protect his sheep. This is why the sheep know their shepherd’s voice because of the time and care the shepherd spends nurturing and caring while feeding his sheep. It is a saying that when the sheep are out in the pasture with other sheep that are not of their flock and other shepherds are around, they will only react to their shepherd’s voice because they know their shepherd’s voice. Abel represents some of the attributes of God for The Lord is Our Shepherd who loves, cares and protects us from harm and peril. 

Abel also shows us that even though he was born in sin and shaped in iniquities that was handed down through his parents’ sins, he allowed The Lord to put his sin nature under subjection through his Obedience and true Faith that brought forth the first acceptable offering unto The Lord. In Hebrews 11:4 By Faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. The Lord Thy God has much respect unto shepherds for a good shepherd reflects The Image Of God. The Lord in John (10:11) reference himself as The Good Shepherd that gives His Life for His sheep.

Abel is pointed out by Jesus to the Pharisees and the Lawyers, as the very first Prophet in Luke 11:50-51 Where it says - 50 That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundations of the world, may be required of this generation 51 From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias which perished between the alter and the temple: verily I say unto you, it shall be required of this generation,
 In (Psalms 23) - David reference The Lord as His shepherd and that he wants for nothing, and He leads him beside the still waters while restoring his soul, then guides him on the path of righteousness for His name’s sake. And as he walks through the valley of the shadow of death he fears no evil for The Lord staff comforts and protects him.  In the book of John (1:36) - John the baptist reference The Lord as The Lamb of God who Lays down His life as a substitute for the sins of humanity.

John also reference The Word as God Himself who is the Incarnated God in person of Jesus, who brought Himself lower than the angels and became flesh so He can live among us demonstrating to us how we can conquer the appetites of the flesh resisting sin, and how to stand against the fiery darts of our adversary.  Also transforming Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for the remission of the sins of all humanity so that we can maybe be reconciled with our Lord, and bring us to our true nature which reflects The Image Of God that dwells within us.

Abel was Adam and Eve’s second born child, but to God, he was the first man to display and represented the genuine nature of mankind that God called us to be in the beginning through The Obedience that The Lord Thy God demands, but not enforce on mankind’s will.  Man has the alternative to either Obey or Disobey which is our free will that The Lord gave us, but know this, that when we choose to disobey The Lord’s will for our lives, we represent our sin nature that naturally because of sin rebels, and disobeys The Lord that eventually will lead us on a path of self-destruction demonstrated by Cain opening ourselves to demonic control.

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But through the grace and mercy of The Lord, He paved a path to Salvation for those who choose to love and obey The Lord by accepting His Gift of Salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord is our shepherd that leads, care, provides, and protects us.  He transformed Himself to become the sacrificial lamb that lay down His life for the sins of humanity. Now Cain unrepentant sin was passed down through his generation. Cain over 100 years in isolation finally receives a wife she conceives and bring forth his firstborn son and he named him Enoch.

Enoch: means - (initiated, dedicated) Cain built a city and named it after his first born son Enoch.  The fifth generation of Cain came a descendant name Lamech. I am reference Lamech because in (Genesis 4:19) you will realize how the unrepentant sin of Cain had transferred  down through his generation to his descendant Lamech which means - (for lower, for humiliation). Lamech was the first one mention in the Bible who took on two wives, in other words committed polygamy breaking the constitution and covenant of marriage that God ordain to be between a man and a woman In Gen (2:18-25) not a man and two women.  

In the KJV Bible it also says - Lamech committed murder for The Word says - Lamech had two wives one was named Adah and the other was named Zillah and he spoke to them and said - listen to his voice, for he had slain a man to his wounding and a young man to his hurt, this is understood as one man wounded him so he kills him and a young man (boy) hurt him so he slew him also. A sure confession of sin, but not to God, but to justify himself. The Word says he ran to his wives with this confession in (vs24)  it states that Lamech declared that if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold surely he should be avenged seventy and sevenfold.

It seems as though Lamech executed his own justice, and then used his ancestor Cain’s story as a means of justifying his actions in order to prevent anyone from trying to retaliate against him. This is a transferred generational murdering and lying demon past down. Lamech uses scare tactics (Fear) from the narrative of how God protected his ancestor Cain with a mark that prevented anyone from seeking revenge, and if so they would get back in return sevenfold, Even though Cain killed his own brother, so in this case surely if anyone tries to seek revenge for what he had done it will come back to them seventy and seven fold for he was declaring self defense.

 Notice, The Word did not pronounce that God declared it would be avenged if someone was to retaliate as God so did pronounce in Cain’s case. You will find in Gen (4:22) that one of his wife’s name Zillah bare a son name Tubal-Cain, he was an instructor of every artificer in brass, and iron which weapon are made of. This puts Lamech in the advantage over those he conflict with, this was also passed down through the line of Cain since the name Cain means smith. Lamech felt in his own justification that he was mighty is his action as well as just in the marrying two women ending in unrepentant sin, leaving an avenue for this curse to continue to be passed on through his generation which will later result to the discontinuation, and non-existing generation of Cain’s descendants who were wiped out during the flood of Noah’s time.

Now this is not the same Lamech of Seth offspring of Adam and Eve. You will see Adam and Eve had a third son and they named him Seth Gen (4:25).  Eve said that God had appointed her another son instead of Abel whom Cain slew. Seth has a son born unto him, and named Enos - which means (man). The word of god says - in (vs26) this is when men began to call upon the name of The Lord. Now out of Seth’s generation there was an Enoch, but this Enoch walked with God after he had his son Methuselah in Gen (5:24). And it says - Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. Enoch Obedience kept him from destruction, for he has never seen death according to The Word. In Hebrews (1:5) it states by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found, because God had translated him: Before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

 Enoch was a man of outstanding Faith in (vs6) it says without faith it is impossible to please God: for he that comes to God must believe that He Is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Jude spoke also of Enoch in Jude (vs14,15) state that Enoch The seventh generation of Adam had prophesied of these, saying - Behold The Lord comes with ten thousand of His Saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all of their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. Over all True Faith and Obedience keeps Enoch from seeing death and according to Jude - Enoch was a prophet for he was the first prophet recorded to have foretold the prophecy concerning the coming of The Lord. Enoch begat Methuselah, and Methuselah begat Lamech,  Lamech begat Noah, and Noah also walk with God.

Psalm 1

  1. Bless is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
  2. But his delight is in the law of The Lord: and in His Law do he meditate meditate day and night.
  3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the river of waters that brings forth his fruit in his season: his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper
Abel and Enoch - were men of obedience - Abel was the first shepherd by occupation who gave the first acceptable offering that displayed the image of God that was within him  through Obedience. The same Obedience that our Lord rightfully demands, but not enforce upon us so that our free will can be shaped through our choices whether we are or not children of god. Hebrews (5:4) By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. Enoch was also a man of obedience and of excellent faith, for he did not see death his 
obedience kept him from experience death. These two men actions line up with Psalms (1-3) their Faith and Obedience was accounted as righteousness and shows the true image of God that dwells within us.

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  1. The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. .
  2. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous
  3. For The Lord know the way of the righteous; but the ungodly shall perish.
Cain and Lamech - were men of disobedience and self-gratification.  Cain’s jealousy and envy lead him into murdering his brother, for he walked in ungodliness, so he was exiled from among God for his dsobedience.  Lamech brought to both of his wives attention his action in killing a man and  a boy doing so showed no remorse 
or repentance, but justification for his actions by claiming self-defense to his wounding and to his hurt, and he himself not God announced revenge to anyone that would try to retaliate against him seventy and sevenfold.  This was more than what God announced for Cain.

 Lamech felt his action was more of an action of a hero instead of the actions of a murderer like Cain Lamech exalted himself, and became judge and jury over his own action which removes God’s decision on whether his actions were necessary or not. He did not go to The Lord before or after the incident, but instead went to both his wives.  These two men actions line up with Psalms (1:4-6) for they walked in the counsel of themselves, and stood in the ways of their sin nature.

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