Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice Part 1


 DID    EVE    LIE 

The number one thing as a Child of God that we as Christians should learn first of all after we surrender our lives over to The Lord, is to become Obedient to The Volition of God. To surrender means to aloud our Lord and Savior to take over our lives, and to yield to The Holy Spirit for He is in charge, and knows what is best for us. Hebrews (5:8,9) says - Though He was a Son, yet He learned Obedience by the things which He suffered. And being made perfect He became the author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that Obey Him.

When we were of the world we were in darkness.  The decisions we reached for ourselves lead to our poor choices in our lives. If the choices we make do not line up with God’s will for our lives then we’re destined for failure.  Not to say that we won’t go wrong at some things, but in God, we will learn and grow through our mistakes and endure through the consequence behind our disobedience along with all that befalls us.  For through our sufferings, The Lord through The Holy Spirit teaches us patience and endurance. From the beginning of mankind (Disobedience) has caused a trickle down reaction of sin which was, and still is being passed down through the generation of humanity.

In the beginning of creation the first man name was Adam meaning - (human, being, mankind) etymologically, ruddy from the first Heb, (red) another suggestion is that it means formed, a creature. Adam was the first man that God breathed His Spirit into Gen (2:7) God made a garden and named it Eden and He put Adam in that garden to dress it.  Adam was instructed to eat every tree in the  garden freely except The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Lord also gave Adam dominion over the earth and every creature that inhabit along with every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, then brought them to Adam for him to name them, so that maybe through the procedure he may find himself a help meet.  But Adam found none among them.

The Lord said it’s not good for man to be alone. God put Adam asleep, and removed a rib from Adam, then used the rib to created a mate for him. Adam said bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh because she was taken out of man so she be called Woman.  The woman was later beguiled (deceived) by the serpent into believing that if she was to eat of the tree that was forbidden, she would not die, but would be as wise as gods, if she was to attain the knowledge of good and evil, which was the fruit the tree produces. But was this really the first lie spoken In The Garden? Did the woman drama up the first lie in The Garden?  

Let’s compare what she said The LORD said about The tree in the middle of the garden to what God really commanded. In Genesis 2:16-17 which says - The Lord commanded the man, saying - of every tree of The Garden thou may freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that eat thereof thou shalt surely die.  Now let’s go to  (Genesis 3:1b-3) The serpent ask the woman (for the woman have not received her name yet until after the fall) Yea hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of The Garden? And The Woman response to The serpent was -We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the Garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said, Ye shall not eat of it (true) neither shall ye touch it lest ye die. (or lie)

Maybe or maybe not according to The Word.  Did God say to not touch the tree? Not according to The Word In Genesis 2:17. First of all, Eves mind was not on the tree until the deceiver approached her with this question. Maybe The Lord did say this to her due to the fact God knows our ways and our thoughts.  For The Lord do know the thoughts and the intents of the hearts of humanity for he is The Sword of The Spirit which is The Word of God. By Eve being from part of the man.  She was formed from The Rib of Adam, so the bone and marrow of the rib is what formed woman. The Human body consist of 12 ribs, these ribs are there, and are in place as protectors of The Heart and The Lungs. The Heart is the main organ that pumps the blood throughout the body. (Leviticus 17:11) The Blood is the Life of the flesh. The Ribs are The Gates that protects the two main organs of Life,The Heart and The Lungs.  

The Lungs are use to take in and exhale the breath, so we know without the breath there is no life. Woman was created from one of the protectors of life, The Rib. (Ezekiel 37:1, 4-6)  O ye dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah; Thus saith the Lord Jehovah to these bones; behold, I bring breath (spirit) into you, and ye shall live, and I will lay sinews upon you, and will make flesh come upon you, and cover you with skin, and I will put breath (spirit) in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.  Prophesy by Ezekiel, about Israel, but also insight on how The Lord created woman from The Rib of Adam. Woman also has most of the man's emotions for we are emotional creatures, we have the tendency to embellish, or make drama out of what was really said, or what is happening in order to get our point across.

Be not mistaken, Satan is The progenitor of lies and he is The Master of Deception. He Orchestrated the first Coup against The Almighty God in the heavenlies, which was through deception, and lies in order to convince one third of The Angelic Host to follow him in this fail attempt to take over The Kingdom of God. So what cause Eve to lie before she ate of the forbidden tree? or did she? Did deception enter Eve before the proposal of Satan? If so she had no knowledge of it, Unawareness. Sin has yet to infiltrate her mind, for The Tree was the fruit of The knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve had not eaten of the tree yet.

The Awareness of Good and Evil was the Door Satan had to open in order for her to enter sin, so he had to deceive her, and twisting the truth to lure her into consuming the fruit of The Tree. The lie that she shall not die, and the opportunity To be wise as gods, is the deception that placed doubt and disbelief in the mind of Eve towards God, so she ate of the tree that was forbidden, and offer Adam some also. He did eat of the forbidden tree. This is when the fall of mankind came into effect. For only when Adam gave into Eves offer, sin was brought into humanity and then the world through mankind
Eve’s Disobedience was brought on by her doubt about whether she would perish,
along with her desire to receive the Knowledge of Good and Evil so that she can be as wise as God.  Eve was unaware that it would be an immediate spiritual death, along with an expiration date of the physical body instead of the everlasting life that God granted them before their transgression.  The arrogance of Eve to even think for one minute that the wisdom that she might receive could be compared to The Wisdom of God is the same arrogance that Satan had when he reckoned for one moment that he could overpower God his Creator, and  tries to take over God’s Throne and to be exalted over God.

Satan conspired, and initiated the spiritual assassination targeting all humanity, He accomplished this by opening the doorway of death through the Disobedience of man, which happen once Adam disobeyed God.  Now that the spiritual death has put an expiration date on all life expectancy of the flesh nature. God has made a way of escape through our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ, and Instructs His Will In The lives of those who put their Trust In Him, so that they may regain Eternal, Everlasting Life. Now Adam went along with Eve on her decision, so their desire to be as wise as gods was more powerful than their fear of The God Almighty.

 Satan tempted them with the same ambition, and arrogance he displayed when he was in heaven before he was put out. Now Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, and humanity are still paying for Adam and Eve’s decision to disobey The Lord. You’ll ascertain this in Gen (Chapter 3). In Gen (3:16) God says unto the woman that He will greatly multiply her sorrows and her conception in sorrow shall she bring forth children, and her desire will be to thy husband, and he shall rule over her, and since Adam gave into his wife, The Lord cursed the ground, for in sorrow shall he eat of it all the days of his life and in the sweat of his face, he shall eat bread until he comes back into the ground.

 For this is what man’s body was structured from and that is where it shall return. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shall eat the herb of the field. Wait one minute, first of all The Lord Command Adam to eat of every Tree of The Garden freely, so eating of the ground and tilling of the ground is part of the curse, and in sorrow he shall it of it all the days of his life in the sweat of his face this is the labor of the man until he return to the ground. From dressing the Garden to Tilling the ground. So plowing (Labor) is a curse brought on by sin for the ground is curse. Wow!


Now Adam names his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living. In James (1:14,15) it says - Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed, then when lust hath conceived it bring forth sin, and sin when it is finished bring forth death. The Word of God says in Romans (6:23) - The wages of sin is death. So Adam, and Eve was spiritually cut off from The Lord, which within itself is a spiritual death.  A spiritual death is the disconnection of our spirit from The Lord.  Then Adam and Eve was exiled from the garden. The Garden also holds in the Tree of Life.  The Lord would not have it so that they may eat of it also, and then they would live eternally in their sins.

Gen (3:22) KJV.  And The Lord God said -
Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.  Can you imagine sins forever without punishment, reaping destruction , corruption, and everything that’s ungodly lasting forever, never being able to attain or enjoy the goodness of The Lord, for He is Holy and cannot dwell in the ungodliness of man.  It may seem as though the people that are indulging in sin are being rewarded at the time we live in, but don’t be fooled for I have found out for myself that short time pleasures of sin leads to long term pain.

Sin comes with a price we cannot afford to pay.  Matt (16:26) says - for what so a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Adam found the answer to this the difficult way, and also Eve. After sin was brought into the world through mankind, Adam names his wife Eve. Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and brought the first infant child born of the material body through the birth pains of her womb, and named him Cain, she conceived again and brought forth their second child, and named him Abel.  In Gen (4:1) you will visualize and come to understand how Adam’s sin was passed on down to his first born son.

Exodus (20:5) Quotes - That the iniquities of the father are passed upon the children and their children unto the third and fourth generation. Cain, who perpetrated the first murder by slewing his younger brother Abel out of envy, disobedience and jealousy this is not to say that the sin nature was not passed on to Abel, for sin was passed on to all humanity like a virus through Adam, but Abel’s obedience allowed God to put his sin nature under subjection.  The Lord accepted Abel’s offering of his first fruits of his labor.  Now Cain’s offering was rejected since he did not perform well in his offering, for his heart was not right.

 The Lord knows the intents of the heart. Psalm (44:21). Not only did he not do so right in his offering, but he subsequently killed his brother out of envy, and then tried to hide his actions from The All Knowing God.  This is found in Gen (Chapter 4). Cain was the first born of Adam and Eve, he was a farmer by occupation. He brought the first offering unto God, which was from the fruits of the earth, and was not respected by God so it was not accepted, not because it was a fruit pick up from the ground, but because The Word said Cain had not done well by his offering.

 The Word details how Abel brought in his firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof, but when The Word describes Cain offering it states in Gen (4:3) Cain brought of the fruit of the ground, an offering. Notice The Word did not say first fruits, or first fruits of the ground. But an offering, otherwise The Word would have detail it as so, just like He had detail Abel’s offering, and The Saga Continues on the next invite title

Cain & Abel
Generational curse past down generation to generation

Filled With Envy & Jealousy


No Matter What Sins Your Ancestors has 
Committed  and Past Down, The Curse Is Broken
Claim your Liberty In Christ Jesus For He Came To

Set The Captives FREE

Desperately Seeking Jesus 111

Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Was It In Vain

You Shall Seek Me, and Find Me When You Search For Me With All Your Heart

In your brokenness I Am

God Is Not Through With Me Yet

Spiritual Warfare - Predatory Demons on Assignment

Long Road Back To Jesus

Heart A Flame In His Presence

In Everything There Is In Life, My Lord! It Is You I See

Don't Waste Your Breath (Ruach)

Caught Up (Ekstasis) In The Exhaust of Gods Nostrils

Come Boldly Before The Throne of Grace

The Lord Restores His Order In Our Steps In His Word

More Birth Pains To Come I

More Birth pains to Come II / Five Pies The Lords Order

The Manifestation of The Lord in Dreams I

The Manifestation of The Lord In Dreams II

Mistaken Identity Part I (Who Are You Really)

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

Mistaken Identity II (Who Are You Really

Blessed Assurance Are You Covered?

Takes Off The Clothes of Sheol Then Put On The Garment Of Praise

Resounding Echoes of Ancestry Past

Jesus Is Our Brace That Gives Support

Spiritual Warfare Weapons of Mass Destruction

Evidence of Things Not Seen (Through The Physical Eye)

What Is Circling Over The Carnal Mind?

Zion Watchman



Major Weapon of Mass Destruction II Deception

Spiritually and Physically Bankrupt

Who Let The Dogs Out? Spiritual Warfare

Bread of Life, Breath of Life

Waters of Separation


Mind Set

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice ll (Cain and Abel)

The Sovereignty of God

Try The Spirit By The Spirit


The Drawing John 6:44

Are We Fighting, or Inviting The Demonic Into Our Lives


It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust God Part I

It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust in God Part II Hagar Deliverance

IT Takes A Leap Of Faith To Trust In God III

The Pruning In The Spirit

Pressing Through The Concrete Walls In The Pits Of Society

The Falling Trees,The Fallen Trees & The Felling Trees

When I Knew Not Jesus (Broken Emotionally,Physically, and Spiritually

Spiritual Regression (How Did I Get Here)

God's Amazing and Extraordinary Grace

Knocking On Heavens Door

Door of Vision Door of Sight Jesus Is The Door Who Opens Up Your Eyes


The Bridge Is Out (When God Sets Detours)

Walking Through The Valley of The Shadow of Death

When It Hurts Like Hell Will You Still Praise Him

Touching The Hem of His Glory / The Blood FLow

Coming Into Full Circle, The Ring of Fire

Nobody Told Me This Road Would Be Easy