Image result for are we Opening areas of our lives to demonic control

Hello Saints of God I know this title alone is disturbing but it is a honest question, and one I ask myself when petition The Lord to leave no rock unturned so that we can be used according to His will, so that His will can be done here on earth as well, as it is in Heaven, His will to be done in His Churches, His will to be done in our households. and in the communities where we live which means sanctification, for Our God is Holy. Go over the Ten Commandments along with what Peter says in - Peter  1:16 Because it is written, Be ye Holy; for I Am Holy. Quoting What The Lord said in Leviticus 20:7. And to get a understanding of what is being address here continue to go over all of chapter 19, and 20 in Leviticus base on The Levitical Priesthood when you have the time to do so.

I guest you may ask why am I addressing The Laws of the Old Testament? I am addressing what The Holy Spirit is leading me to address. In all thy getting get understanding. Hosea 4:6 -The Lord said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge,  I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. God is confronting His Priest, He set apart and consecrated for Himself.

  1 Peter Chapter 1:25- chapter 2:1 and The Word of The Lord endures forever, and this is The Word by the Gospel is preached unto you.  Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and envies, and all evil speakings hypocrisy. Read verses 3-9. I will quote verse 9 where it says that We are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, and a Holy Nation, a peculiar people, that we show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His Marvelous Light.

Matthew 5:17,18 Jesus Said - Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 NOT one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Image result for fundamental ten commandments

So are we of The Priesthood. Do we portray what we are called to be. You will have some say we are not under the Law, but under Grace which is the New Covenant. This is true but do Grace gives us the right to practice willingly the sins we were once  under and called out of. For example Sexual Immoralities which includes fornication, man with man, and woman with woman, incest, rape, any sex outside of the marriage covenant. Leviticus 19:28 Tattoos:(carving of the flesh) Let me make it clear if the tattoos and all I have just mention were done before the knowledge then it is forgiving and forgotten. But If Knowing its is and you continue to practice you have forfeited the Grace giving, and are in the act of rebellion willingly and need to repent of those actions. pornography, stealing, envy, The Spirit of Unforgiveness, you may think this is not a spirit, rest assure it is. For The Word of God says in Matthew 6:14 If you forgive men their transgressions your Heavenly father will forgive you of yours.

To not forgive is in opposition of God's will which is rebellion. We have to ask the Lord for The Spirit of Forgiveness which is The Holy Spirit of God, His transforming Spirit will circumcise the unforgiving heart as King David said in Psalms (51:10)  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. A  Right Spirit is The Righteousness of God, The Lord Our Righteous. Exodus 20:3 Have no other Gods before Me, which is anything you put before the Lord be it house, car, job, child, trophies, vanity, boyfriend, girlfriend, accomplishments that may not align up with God’s will. i phone, computers what are you really using it for. If it is not God’s will for your life then it is in opposition of God. Which is rebellion, and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

Abortions which is murder. Some done by lack of the knowledge that life begins upon conception. This action is usually due to fornication, incest, fear, or just plain selfishness. I mean abstinence is the only absolute 100% birth control, but this is in no way being taught. How about checking your Horoscope for the day is this not seeking to know the unknown by other sources  than The Lord, medium readings, Palm Reading. Have you ever heard someone say I wonder what is in the stars for me today. Physic Hotline. All I just mention opens area in your life for demonic control and strongholds in your life for it is Sorcery and WitchCraft.

I remember before I came to know The Lord, a frightening situation that happen to me on more than one occasion I use to wake up in the middle of the night and could not move I can see, and hear what was going on around me, but could not move nor speak not even a finger could I move. Paralyze but it felt as if something was holding me down I hear voices. I had this in my childhood also, no one believe me when I was a little girl, but I would tell them what they said when they thought I was sleep. They still would not believe me but I never experience this anymore since I turn my life over to Jesus. I found in the medical field some other people had experience this, and the doctors call it Sleep Paralysis look it up, but I disagree for there was a force holding me down.

This force was of the demonic I have not experience it ever again since I turn life over to The Lord. Now I know how to call on The name above all names Jesus. Back then I indulge in Zodiac signs Horoscopes my siblings were the first to tell me my sign, even, my mother read the Horoscope in the comics of The Washington Post, You would think this as harmless it's right with the Comics section even till today. Just like Harry Potter, and the things that are teaching you there is a good witch name Glenda in The Wizard of Oz, I do not care if you buy the rubies slippers, put them on, and click your heals three times while she wave her wand it will not give you salvation, nor get you into heaven.

These things infiltrated our minds in our childhood taking our imaginations to the realm of the demonic, Pastor mention I Dream of Genie TV shows. That title alone is sorcery, If your dreaming of a Genie You're dreaming about the demonic. Remember Be Witch TV show how many of us have been entertained by devils Watch your Ear Gates, and Eye Gates. We wish we could do those things when we were little. TinkerBell and Peter pan. The elves and fairies these are Childhood idols of the demonic. Hate to burst your bubble, but I rather win souls for Jesus, than to have you or your children under demonic control.

The Western movies were everyone wore a gun in the holster, and vengeance was promoted as a option to get back at your enemies or a way of self defense mostly the Clint Eastwood movies. Have you ever wonder way mobsters in the 1920's were idolize These are murdering demon's encouraging you to kill or seek revenge. Now we see guns and killings on a regular basic. Even in our schools children shooting children. The movies has become real life and play out in our city streets. When we as Children of God willing practice these things we open doors for demonic forces to have a stronghold in your lives as well as our children lives. Unawareness is dangerous. What are we allowing our children to watch.

Double mindedness is at play for the Word of God says in Matthew 6:24- No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Behind every Action of Sin there is a demonic source involved. How do Demons get control of a Nation of People where as the majority agrees with that which is Unholy  unto God. This happened when the whole nation of the seeds of Noah sons rebel against The Word of God.

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The Lord commanded them to be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth  according to Genesis 11:1-9 is where there is a clear indication of demonic control, when a whole nation of people decided to make a city and a tower to reach the heavens, and go against God's will  in order to make a name for themselves. The Lord had to confound their language so they would not be able to understand each other for they where of one language. The place was name Babel. Genesis 10:8-10, Nimrod was their King  who lead this rebellion and another one of these city was Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, and these were the beginning of his kingdom in the land of Shinar.


Anubis, Egyptian God
      of the Dead a
Human with Dog Head Bastet
    who was often represented
  as half woman and half feline
Image result for egyptian dog gods                    Image result for egyptian  cat gods

Who all look at Thunder Cats
Cartoon when they were children?

Frog headed Goddess of
creation and childbirth

Image result for who the frog god of egypt

Remember it is better known as Babylon. These cities came about through demonic influence with Baal being their chief deity they worshiped. They worshiped the moon, stars planets you name it.  Later this demonic influence was a part of Egyptian Worship where Vultures and Dogs as well as Cats, and Frogs became symbols of worship all under demonic control and in opposition of The Almighty God. what are we worshiping in today's society. When we worship movie stars, singers, and they become our idols this is in opposition of God. Becoming worldly famous looking for the cheers and the worship for ourselves instead of The God who created the universe and everything within is The Spirit of The Antichrist. Self promotion even in the churches.
Adonijah, King David Son Exalted Himself
1 King 1:5

Let’s go there, If we by any means take on a title God has not giving you it is called self exaltation we really have to be careful in these areas. The deceiver is very tricky. Try The Spirit by The Spirit. God is the Promoter always remember that, and only by The Word of God will you know the difference. Prayer is very important, and obedience brings commitment to that in which you believe. We have movie stars who lift their awards unto God, but which God. Try The Spirit by The Spirit. All these different type of religions where people are more dedicated to the denomination or the Idols instead of Jesus who is The only way.

Jesus said in John 14:6 No one comes unto the Father but by me. John 6:44 - No one comes unto me unless The Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise him up in the last days. I invited a neighbor to come to our church. This happen after the Lord had me pray over her, she ask even if I'm am Catholic, I responded Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, and any other church are not who saves you only Jesus Christ is The Way The Truth and The Life, and only through Him is Salvation

Are we inviting Demonic force to have control over our lives? Every time we willing disobey The Lord in the practice of sin we open doors to the demonic. The unknowing actions of sin comes under the lack of knowledge, we maybe worshiping idols unknowingly. Our God says You should have no other Gods before me.

Television has been the main influence that infiltrated the minds of humanity now it's the computers, the ipads, phones, devices with computers on them, and texting, social media, not to say avoid these instruments use, but watch out for what is being display, and be careful of what doctrine you're reading and games your are playing. Line everything up with The Word of God. Flip the script on the use of these devices and use it to Glorify God. This is bigger than you can ever imagine, and it's influence is strong and addictive. Supervise your children when on these devices.

Remember Satan is Prince of The Power of The Air. Ephesians 2:2 and It says - Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world to The Prince of The Power Of The Air, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience. computers, radio's, androids, and iPhone,  TV's, they rely on the air waves to transmit and transferred information through internet, Wi Fi, data. Something to really think about, and Pray about Amen! 

Ephesians 6:11- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in High Places.

Weather Demons

Real Picture snap during a storm

Job 1:19 tells us of a great whirlwind from the desert that killed Job's children. Acts 27:14 tells us of a typhoon type wind that came upon Paul at sea. The tempest that came against the boat Jesus was sleep on. Jesus Commanded the Winds and The waves with three words Peace Be Still (Mark 4:39).

Believe it or not, but foul weather is caused by Demons, which means we have authority over them through Jesus. We have to prayed against the weather, and it either stops in its tracks or heads the other way. No this to be true, that if God wants to allow your neighbors property to be damaged, the storm will come through, but your property will be safeguarded, IF you are right with The Lord.

In the Name of JESUS, We bind all demons that cause tornadoes, lightning, damaging winds, floods, hurricanes, fire, bad weather of all kinds. We bind CHANGO, OXUN, EUROCLYDON, BAAL, SEIR, LEVIATHAN, HADADRIMMON, AMURR, and all others. Father, we ask you to send your warring angels (Matthew 26:53) into the heavenlies to do battle with these demons, to knock them off their thrones, take their crowns from their heads, and to write on their foreheads that they have been defeated by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

FATHER,  We ask that you send The Warring Angels to block these demons from coming into our city, state, or county. I ask for warring angels to be placed around our property and home for protection from these demons. In JESUS Name, We cover our property, home, possessions and family In The Blood of JESUS. Amen! Click here for more info on these type of demonic ://

You Have To Put On The Whole 
Armor Of God

Apostle Paul Say - In Ephesians 6:10-18 10 Finally, my brethren, Be Strong
In The Lord, and In The Power of His Might. 11 Put On The Whole Armour of God, that
ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
  the darkness of this world, against  spiritual wicked-ness   in high  places. 
 13 Wherefore   take unto you the   whole armor of God,   that 
ye may  be able to withstand in the evil day,  and   having    
done    all, to     stand.   14 Stand    therefore,     having    
your loins     girt    about with truth,   and   having on  
 the   breastplate of  righteousness;  15  And your  
 feet shod     with the    preparation    of     the    
 gospel of peace; 16    Above   all,  taking  
 the shield    of   faith,   wherewith    ye  
 shall     be   able       to         quench  
all    the      fiery       darts   of   the 
wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, 
which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and
supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all
perseverance and supplication for all saints;

We Have The Victory

Sis. Seer Trudy

Desperately Seeking Jesus 111

Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Was It In Vain

You Shall Seek Me, and Find Me When You Search For Me With All Your Heart

In your brokenness I Am

God Is Not Through With Me Yet

Spiritual Warfare - Predatory Demons on Assignment

Long Road Back To Jesus

Heart A Flame In His Presence

In Everything There Is In Life, My Lord! It Is You I See

Don't Waste Your Breath (Ruach)

Caught Up (Ekstasis) In The Exhaust of Gods Nostrils

Come Boldly Before The Throne of Grace

The Lord Restores His Order In Our Steps In His Word

More Birth Pains To Come I

More Birth pains to Come II / Five Pies The Lords Order

The Manifestation of The Lord in Dreams I

The Manifestation of The Lord In Dreams II

Mistaken Identity Part I (Who Are You Really)

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

Mistaken Identity II (Who Are You Really

Blessed Assurance Are You Covered?

Takes Off The Clothes of Sheol Then Put On The Garment Of Praise

Resounding Echoes of Ancestry Past

Jesus Is Our Brace That Gives Support

Spiritual Warfare Weapons of Mass Destruction

Evidence of Things Not Seen (Through The Physical Eye)

What Is Circling Over The Carnal Mind?

Zion Watchman



Major Weapon of Mass Destruction II Deception

Spiritually and Physically Bankrupt

Who Let The Dogs Out? Spiritual Warfare

Bread of Life, Breath of Life

Waters of Separation


Mind Set

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice ll (Cain and Abel)

The Sovereignty of God

Try The Spirit By The Spirit


The Drawing John 6:44

Are We Fighting, or Inviting The Demonic Into Our Lives


It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust God Part I

It Takes A Leap of Faith To Trust in God Part II Hagar Deliverance

IT Takes A Leap Of Faith To Trust In God III

The Pruning In The Spirit

Pressing Through The Concrete Walls In The Pits Of Society

The Falling Trees,The Fallen Trees & The Felling Trees

When I Knew Not Jesus (Broken Emotionally,Physically, and Spiritually

Spiritual Regression (How Did I Get Here)

God's Amazing and Extraordinary Grace

Knocking On Heavens Door

Door of Vision Door of Sight Jesus Is The Door Who Opens Up Your Eyes


The Bridge Is Out (When God Sets Detours)

Walking Through The Valley of The Shadow of Death

When It Hurts Like Hell Will You Still Praise Him

Touching The Hem of His Glory / The Blood FLow

Coming Into Full Circle, The Ring of Fire

Nobody Told Me This Road Would Be Easy