Don't Waste Your Breath (Ruach)

Don’t Waste Your Breath (Ruach)
The Inhalation and Exhalation

Image result for breath coming out of the mouths of worshipers

The Breath - is an Inhalation of breathing in, or Exhalation of breathing out air from the lungs. Breathing is the drawing in, and the release of breath. You have to breathe in to live for Breath is Life. The synonyms of this word are Inspiration, Expiration, Respiration. I'm going to start with Respiration meaning - 1. The action of breathing 2. A single breath 3. The biological meaning is - a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances. 

In the Spiritual realm it is the same when we breathe in The Holy Spirit which fills us up until the overflow releases out in our worship and praise unto The Lord, which is the Expiration this means - The Exhalation of Breath in other words a release. Now let’s look at the word Inspiration - meaning the drawing in of breath, and another word for Inhalation meaning - The action of inhaling or breathing in. Inspiration also means - the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

Creative comes from the word Create. You cannot create without being a Creator, which leads us to Genesis (1:26) where God says let’s create man in our image after our likeness. So The Lord was mentally stimulated to create. A thought process so we were created by Gods Inspiration, (inhalation) to form us in His image. Inspired by a predestined thought. Ephesians (1:4,5) According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before Him in love

The Lord had us in His mind (Inhaled) Inspired to create us in His image Genesis (2:7) Then The Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and Breathed into his nostrils The Breath of Life releasing The Breath exhaled, and man became a Living Soul (being). This is the Exhalation of God releasing The Breath into the dirt He formed. The Breath is Worship, The Breath is also The Holy Spirit Hebrew word (Ruach) is "Breath," or "Wind," or "Spirit - The activator of worship. If Inspiration is another word for Inhalation we’re inspired by The Holy Spirit to Breathe so we can worship when we sing praise which takes Breathing Exercise.

someburningthoughts: Breathing

When we write our devotionals it is a form of worship that comes from Divine Inspiration we release (expiration) our adoration for The Lord into the atmosphere. The other synonyms for Inspiration are - creativity, inventiveness, innovation, ingenuity, genius, imagination, originality, artistry, insight, vision, finesse, flair. So to not Inhale is to died. So if your dead then there’s No flair, No insight, No innovation, No imagination, No vision, No originality, No artistry, No creativity, No inventiveness, which means No Worship. You have to Inhale so you can Exhale. In The art of Worship all of this we need. 

So Petition The Lord to Exhale on you, in other words Breathe On Us, then we Inhale His Spirit until we have to Exhale (release) it into the atmosphere so the overflow can take place. Worship means - The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. It is how we express our love for our God. We can express worship in many ways as long as it’s unto The Lord in Spirit, and in Truth. King David knew The Art of Worshiping The Lord. He wrote Psalms and Poetry as well as fought battles unto The Lord, and this is the reason He requested in his Palms - Let All that has Breath (Ruach) Praise The Lord. In other words Let everyone that has Inhalation and Exhalation Praise Him.

Breath is Life so Worship is Life. David says The Lord inhabits The Praise of His people Psalms (22:3) But thou art Holy, O thou that Inhabits The Praises of Israel. Inhabit means to live in, to occupy. We know He is The Breath of life, (The Ruach) that lives in us. He is The Inhalation and The Exhalation. He is the activator of worship. Without Him inside of us There is No Breath, There is No Praise, There is No Life, There is No Adoration, There is No Worship. 2 Timothy (3:16) All scripture is Breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness

 Job (34:14) If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself His Spirit and His BreathHis  Ruach all flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust. Psalms (33.6) By The Word of The Lord The Heavens were made, and by The Breath of His mouth all their host. Job (33:4) The Spirit of God has made me, and the Breath of The Almighty gives me life. So Breathe in Christ so you can Breathe on the unrighteous deeds of humanity bringing forth The Righteousness of God. Breathe on the attacks of The Enemy that comes up against you allowing The Holy Spirit to move forward, pushing every obstacle of deception out of your way.

Breathe on the racial injustice we see growing in today society that promotes hate. Breathe on your brothers and sisters in Christ, encourage them in their faith so they can know in The Word Ecclesiastes (9:11) Solomon view on vanity and it quotes “ I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happens to them all. Which is summarizing the saying - The race is not for the swift but for those who endure until the end.

Image result for a person praying over homeless of society and the sick, and the ones in prisonImage result for people at the border

Image result for a person praying over homeless of society and the sick, and the ones in prisonImage result for unarmed man gunned down by police

Breathe Hope into the homeless we see in society in which they feel there is no hope. Breathe on our abused and misused people Satan has trample over until depression has weigh in. Breathe on our people who had their identity, and gender, stolen from them by the tricks of the Enemy. Breathe for and on the discrimination enforced upon the people who are at the border. Breathe on the social injustice that continues to gun down our unarmed brothers as though their animals replicating the unsocial injustice our ancestors had to endure in the past. Breathe By following Jesus Word in Matthew (25:35,36) because when you Breathe upon the hungry you feed them, When you Breathe upon the thirsty you give them drink, When you Breathe upon a stranger you take them in, When you Breathe upon the naked you have clothed them. When you Breathe upon the sick and shut in, and those in prison you visit them.

Image result for a person praying over homeless of society and the sick, and the ones in prisonImage result for sick elderly  in nursing homes

Remember Respiration meaning is- The action of Breathing All of this is Worship, and Worship is Breath. When you wake up in the mourning acknowledge His inward, and outward presence, and say Good Morning Holy Spirit you define my Inhalation and the Exhalation, it is my Worship I freely give unto You. When I decided to give back what you have giving me which is Your Breath Lord, then and only then I’m learning to Breathe. For The Breath in service of you Lord is Worship.

(The Inhalation and Exhalation of Worship)

Image result for best worship is when we give God back His Breath

When God Breathe His Breath (The Ruach) Into us, 
the activation of worship begins, and when we Worship
we give The Lord back His Breath, so don’t
waste your Breath release it back in 
service to the one who 
gave it to you. 
Brian Cage Breathe

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