Caught Up (Ekstasis) In The Exhaust of Gods Nostrils

Caught Up (Ekstasis) In The
Exhaust of Gods

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We as servants of The Lord have to step back to reflect and recall our very existence to remind us of The One who Created us. We need to be mindful each time we wake up why The Lord allows us to see another day? What in this day I should do to Glorified The One who fearfully and wonderfully made us? Why do we casually go through life as if we have all the time in the world? Where is the mind when it does not stop to think about the one who created us, and what was we created for. The Word of God says we're created in His image. This image was not annulled when sin enter into humanity, causing our separation from Eternal Life. We were created to live forever because our Father is The Everlasting Father. But Sin/Rebellion enter in bringing the death sentence to the flesh. 

This is why we age it is a process of expiring our fleshly bodies that has this sentence of death. The Spirit lives forever this is the image. For God is Spirit. The Word of God says in (Gen 1:27) - God created man in His Own Image, in The image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Let’s look at The word Image, which is defined as a representation of the external form of a person, or thing in art. The synonyms are - likeness, resemblance, depiction, portrayal. We know the Greatest Artist is the original one who created The Portrait. Before the portrait, a vision, an image comes in the mind of The Artist.

When we came to God's mind He vision Himself and then began to strategically form man in His Image in His Likeness. Wow! So to know ourselves we need to know God (The Image) we’re created in. We only come to this knowledge through Our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ when we are Caught Up which brings me to word (Ekstasis) which means amazement, astonishment, or trancea displacement of mind” or bewilderment. When translated as “trance” Ekstasis refers (to one being Caught Up in The Spirit) in The Exhaust of God's Nostrils which is The Holy Spirit that elevates your experience in worship on different levels.

This also gives us 1. The Spirit of The Lord, and 2.The Spirit of Wisdom, and 
3. Understanding, 4. The Spirit of Counsel, and 5. Might,  6.The Spirit of Knowledge, and of 7. The Fear of The Lord. (Isaiah 11.1,2) these are seven spirits the fullness of The Holy Spirit which is The Spirit of Jesus also known as The Branch. He is our School Teacher (Colossians 1:15,16) says Jesus is the Image of The Invisible God, the firstborn of every creature, For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him. And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist

The Word says in (Genesis 1:26) God said let’s make man in Our Image after our likeness. When we see the word Our which is plural as in more than one, but there is only One God. The Self- Existing, Transforming, Transcending God of The Universe, Our Superior Being. The nature of God has become known to human beings in Three Stages. First The Father our Creator, then The Son who is The Word that became flesh and dwelt among us in the person known to us as Jesus, who came to be the sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Then The Holy Spirit who in dwells our very being through spiritual intercourse.

 A Transferred seed of The Holy Spirit in us, so now He is not just God with us Emmanuel. Isaiah (7:14) also in (Matt. 1:23) He is God within us transforming so now we are Caught Up inwardly. When we reach the stages of being Caught Up, we become to experience different visionary states in The Spirit, different levels of the anointing. Only through accepting of Jesus as Lord and Savior over our lives and, believing Him to be The Son of God we begin to reflect His image. Isaiah wraps The Lords true identity in one Scripture verse (Isaiah 9:6) - For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His Shoulders: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

All of these are The True identity of God. God is The God of The Supernatural, transforming and transcending Himself to save the sin sick souls of Humanity. 
Now The transcending to the transforming comes in verse 14. in The Book of John when it says - And The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. Pointing to Jesus. Before man rebel in the Garden bringing death spiritually and genetically into humanity, our God orchestrated a way to escaping the wages of sin, by bringing Himself through the womb of a woman in order to paid the price we rightfully deserve. There is nothing Ordinary about our LORD.

When we as God's children become Caught up in Exhaust of Our God Nostrils, The levels of Transformation ( Praise The Lord!) becomes The Super Naturalness we have read about throughout the Bible. There are true Witnesses throughout the bible who can show us through their recorded actions of what happens when we become Caught Up (Ekstasis) in The Exhaust of God’s Nostrils. Let's look in Genesis at the man recorded to have been Caught Up in the exhaust of God's nostrils and was not. Chapter (5:21) His name was Enoch which means dedicated, son of Jared.

At the age of sixty five he had his first son name Methuselah, after his son birth he began to walk with God. Three hundred years later he begot sons and daughters. The Word of God says All the days of Enoch, was three hundred and sixty five years. So he walk with God for three hundred years then he was not for God took him. The Word took is the past of take meaning to lay (hold of something) with one’s hand, reach, and hold. By God being Spirit this is saying Enoch was taking by The Spirit of God in other words Caught Up. We can come more to this analogy of (Ekstasis) when we go to 2 Kings chapter 2 and read about Elijah The Prophet who was Caught Up by chariots of fire. Wow!

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This is The All Consuming Fire in the form of chariots coming down in a whirlwind and Caught Up Elijah into heaven. I mean first class transportation, and seen not death. My Lord rolled out the red carpet for His true servants. It would be very wise to study the movements and actions of Elijah meaning - Yahweh is God, and Elisha - meaning God Is Salvation for the anointing was so powerful, that even in the grave of Elisha (The one who received a double portion of The Spirit of Elijah by request, and took up the mantle of Elijah) The Spirit of The Lord rest upon His dry bones after he fell sick and died.

We are talking about The Extraordinary Supernatural, not The Ordinary For In 2 Kings (15:21) It says - And it came to pass during the raids of Moabites upon the land as they were burying a man, that behold, they spied a band of men, and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha, and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his Feet. This man was resurrected from death He was Caught Up and stood on his feet for he was once dead. The Exhaust from The Nostril of The Living God residue was still upon Elisha, and brought this man back to life. 

The Nostrils in which The Breath of Life transferred through man when God exhale into the clay of the earth that formed dirt to become a living soul and named him Adam. Just like the servants of God in the Old Testament, The New Testament Saints was working in The Supernatural Exhaust of God's Nostrils. After Jesus Himself ascended back into the Heavenly Glory, (Acts 1:9-11) He was Caught Up (Ekstasis) In His Supernatural Exhaust as the ushering Angels stay behind asking The Apostles why are they gazing up into the heavens? This same Jesus which is taken up (Caught Up) from you into heaven shall come in like manner. 

One of the chosen seven Stephen full of faith and power, did great wonders, and miracles among the people (Acts 6:8) when stoned to death by the people for opening up the truth unto them. It cut through their hearts, but before he was transcended, God open up his eyes to see The Glory of The Lord and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. Stephen receiving The Right Hand of Fellowship directly from The Lord. The Exhaust from The Nostril of The Living God had caught up (Ekstasis) Stephen revealing The Door of Heaven opening up to receive Him just before the people took him and stone him. 

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One of my favorites is Evangelist Philip, The Chariot Chaser (name means horse lover) he is one of the seven appointed in (Chapter 6:5) of the books of Acts. It says in (Acts 8:26-40) The Angel of The Lord spoke to Philip, saying, arise and go toward the south unto a way that go down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert, he arose and went. Behold a man of Ethiopia, an Eunuch of Great authority under Candace Queen of the Ethiopians he was charge over all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem to Worship (key word). He was returning, and sitting in his chariot reading Isaiah The Prophet. Then The Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot, and Philip ran to him now this chariot was still moving but yet Philip Caught Up with it, (Supernatural Strength In Action) and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, Philip ask do you understand what your reading?

 He said how can I unless some man should guide me. (Guidance another Key) He desire Philip to join and sit with him, Philip did so. He was at the part where it says in (Isaiah 53:7) He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened not his mouth: In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: who declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth. After the Ethiopian ask who was Isaiah referring to, Philip began to preach to him Jesus. When they came to a certain water he wanted to know what would Prevent him from being baptised? 

Phillip responded - If you believe with all thine heart you may be baptize. The Eunuch said (I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God). Do not miss this part there are so many people being baptised without believing Jesus is The Son of God or the deity of Jesus which is God. We are to Seek The Lord with all our Heart , Soul and Mind. Salvation is not base on how many times you fall down, it is base on How you get up due to our belief that The Word of God (Jesus) is True this gives us the strength to rise again. (Proverbs 24:16) For a just man falleth seven times and rise up again: but the wicked fall into mischief

The Word of God says - he commanded the chariot to stand still (see the chariot was moving all the time) they went down both into the water, in the middle of the desert nothing for miles around, but desert. Pools in the desert. And when they came up out of the water, (here’s when Philip get Caught Up (Ekstasis) in The Exhaust of God nostrils) it says The Spirit of The Lord Caught Away Philip, that the Eunuch saw him no more: and went on his way rejoicing, But Phillip was found at Azotus and passing through he preached in all cities, till he came to Cesarea

First of all they are in the desert, there’s no trees for Phillip to hide behind neither no rocks, or boulders so where is Philip? only one way out without being seen and that is to be Caught Up (Ekstasis) without a cape, transported through The Supernatural to his next destination. There are more, but these are a few of the original Super Heroes of The Bible empowered by The Holy Ghost Caught Up (Ekatasis) In The Exhaust of Gods Nostrils. So why are we limited or are we? 
As Servants of The Living God we are empowered by The Holy Spirit to reach heights we could have never imagine on different levels of Growth. We as Christians can reach these heights through The Encounter we have with our Lord and Savior when we seek ye first The Kingdom of God and All of His Righteousness.

Empower by The Holy Spirit that dwells within us and all around us when we seek His Face. Worship is What you do in God to Exalt His Holiness reflecting through you. Continue to seek Him from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, sooner or later you will be Caught Up in The Exhaust (Ekstasis) of God’s Nostrils, and you will never be the same. Our God Is Not of The Ordinary so an ordinary worship just won’t do, so by the Power of The Holy Ghost give Him All The Worship and Praise and step out of the ordinary Get Caught Up!!! In The Exhaust of His Nostrils and See The Extraordinary being lifted up, and out of you.

Halleluuuuuuuuuuuujah! He Is Worthy to be Praised! This Song sung by this 19 year old young man on fire for the Lord. You can see the elevation of worship manifested in him as He is Caught Up! (Ekatasis)

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