Spiritually and Physically Bankrupt

Spiritually and Physically Bankrupt
The War Within Us.

We as a fallen society have engaged in multiple acts of sin in our lifetime. The Word of God says -  "we were born in sin and shaped in iniquities" so the price for our sins is pathed way over our heads. When We as children of God choose to deal with the issues of life by our own particular means, and in our own specific manners we move toward becoming tangle, and wrap up in our fleshly desires that will inevitably lead us to wind up Spiritually, and Physically broken. In Romans (6:20-23) The Apostle Paul says - For when we were servants of sin you were free from righteousness. (So when we were free from righteousness we were slaves to sin, we were in slavery). What fruit had you then in those issues where we are now ashamed? The end result of doing those things is death.

Now you’re being made free from sin, and you have become servants of The Most High God you bear your fruit unto Holiness, so the end will be Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. No matter what alternative you make death is a sure thing. For either you die in your sins which are total Death, and Damnation Spiritually cut off from God and a Physical Death, or you die to your sin nature and then be born again in Christ Jesus, by receiving The Gift of Salvation that is Eternal Life. You have to die to one or the other so allowed The Holy Spirit that comes after you have excepted Jesus as Lord Over Your Life to kill off that flesh nature, by allowing Him to renew your mind.

Know this, when we take on life issues in our own way and by our own means we become Spiritually, and sometimes Physically Bankrupt which leads our lives into a downward spiral. Speaking from self experience what I have discovered, and I am still learning is without My Jesus I prevailed at no good thing. In Romans (7:18) you’ll see that the Apostle Paul was warring with his own flesh nature Paul says - For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but to perform that which is good I find not. (7:21-25) In Romans, Paul says - I find then a law, that when I would do good evil is present with me, for I delight in the law of God after the inward man. But I attend another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

When Paul refers to his members he is referencing to his flesh nature, which is his soul that controls all of his emotion, and his feelings along with the thoughts that enters into his mind for it is The Heart of Humanity. His flesh nature is also his sin nature that is battling against his Spirit trying to take control of his mind. For our sin nature is what we are born in. Our spirit has to be connected to God in order to conquer our flesh nature. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord the mind can be renewed while He Is transforming us into a new creatures from the inside, so that we can reflect His Image on the outside. During the process The Holy Spirit directs us along the path of righteousness for His name sake, while He puts our flesh nature under subjection. 

This is a daily process of Transformation. Praise The Lord! There is a warfare going on inside of us, and now you have come to understand that The Apostle Paul. The Martyr, who also had this problem with his flesh nature, so he resulted to referencing himself as a wretched man quoting in Romans (7:24) - “O wretched man that I am! Who can save me from this body of death?” (Vs25) - Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Paul says with his mind, he serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. (Chap. 8:1) states - There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, Who walk not after the flesh but after The Spirit.

Know this our flesh nature will be warring against our spirit and our mind, but when we turn ourselves totally over and surrender our lives to Jesus then, and only then will we prevail through Him, so now study yourself approved and meditate on The Word of God for this is truly our Life Source.  Plug yourselves into the outlet, and draw from the source which is His Holy Spirit and His Holy Word. THIS IS NOT AN OVER NIGHT SUCCESS, but a lifetime process that guides us to Everlasting Glory.  Let The Lord Thy God mold and shape you into that person you were meant to be. Let Him Strengthen you Spiritually, and Heal you Physically for Only He can force down those strongholds Satan has over our lives.

Only Jesus can break the yoke that binds you, and release you from the bondage you are in, for He came into this world to set the captives free.  Isaiah (53:5) The Word of God says - He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed.”  We will become Healed in our mind mentally. We will become Healed in our bodies physically.  We will become more than conquerors through Christ who Strengthens Us.  He is The Good Shepherd that leads us to greener pastures. Jesus Is named The Lily of the Valleys - Song of Solomon (2:1) - Lily in Hebrew is pronounced Shushan, the plant so designated is found in the pastures where the sheep and gazelles feed. Song of  Solomon, (2:16, 4:5, 6:3), among the thorns (chp. 2:2) beside being cultivated in gardens (chp. 6:2). It was a sweet - scented plant, dropping a myrrh like perfume (5:13).

In Hebrew the  word was rendered Krinon by the Greek translators. The Krinon (Lily) is a plant which grows beside the water among the grass of the field.  It is often mentioned in connection with frankincense and The Rose.  It is the case of beautiful deeds. The High Priest coming forward from the sanctuary is compared to it . It excels Solomon in his glorious array Matt. (6:28). The Holy Spirit has me to reference this because it is said that there is some lilies on the perimeter, and in the hills of Nazareth that is of The Color Purple, it is said to be of a Dark Violet Purple and a Vivid White.  Our Lord Jesus Is The Lily Flower that grew in the valley of Nazareth among the grain, This Lily over top the grain and decorated the fields with a unique color of Dark Purple that represents His Royalty, and His Kingship over His kingdom, dress with the color white which represents  His Purity along with His Righteousness peering up in every direction above the standing grain.  

He Is our Lily of The Valley. (Rev. 22:16) He Is Our Bright and Morning Star, (John 8:12) He Is The Light that penetrates the darkness of humanity and illuminates our minds. He Is Our Comforter who consoles us while He leads us along the path of righteousness for His name’s sake He Is Our Shield and Buckler who protects and blocks the fiery darts of The Enemy.  He Is Jehovah-Jireh, our provider He provides us with everything we desire or need according to His purpose. He is Jehovah-Nissi our Blood Stained Banner for He reigns Victoriously.  (John 1:1-4, and John 1:14) - He Is the Incarnation of God Himself wrapped in flesh through the womb of a virgin named Mary by His Holy Spirit. (John 1:29) He came into the world to be The Sacrificial Lamb who paid the price for the sins of humanity.

From The Womb to The Tomb to The Transfiguration of His Glorified
Body, and now   through   His Resurrection, He Was  Raised  Up   From
The Grave with All Power in His Hand, so now He is inside of
all of us who have turned their lives over to Him through
His Holy Spirit. He Was Born to Die in order to pay
the wages of sin which is death, and total
damnation so that Through Him we may
attain Eternal Life. So when you
find yourself Spiritually and
Physically Bankrupt
hasten to His
Everything to
Our Lord in Prayer.  


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Mind Set

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