Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Was It In Vain?

 Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Was It In Vain? 

White Supremacist Up Rise, Racism still rooted in 

The United States of America

Are we facing an up rise in White Supremacist disguise as White Evangelical Christians who some are a part of The Republican Party called the far right conservatives. The New KKK with now deceased past member Fred Trump who was father of Donald Trump.  Their Ancestors are of German immigrants, who is now against any immigrants of color coming to America. The Donald Trump  who incite a insurrection on The Capital of The United States of America, the one who refuse to leave office when he lost the 2020 election. The one who is now  President again, trying to be the first Dictator over America removing democracy as we know it.  One of the most corrupt man of power that is truly a threat to democracy.

Making America Great Again a slogan of Donald Trump  which came from the White Evangelical race whose ancestors were slave masters. The slogan based on White slave masters who enslaved Africans, and brought them over in chains during the middle passage. The black Africans descendants were later set free during The Civil War. Than a racist Klan called the KKK who roam in White America rose up to lynch any man of color that tried to achieve that freedom. Between the burning Cross, the Confederate Flag, and the Nazi Swastika over time both a known symbolic symbol of enslavement, and hate towards people of color and the Jewish nation. We have those lawmakers who are called The Far Right Extremist Republicans.

Remember Hitler and his regime The Nazi Party where a Far Right Political Party.  When shall we really overcome HATE. When JESUS OUR SAVIOR is seated at the conference table. Even during the Great movement in the 60's, God used a vessel name Martin Luther King a Baptist minister, and a Civil Rights leader  to stand against the Jim Crow Laws that suppressed the people of color in the South, and the leaders of the Nation that allowed it, stealing away the freedom, and rights  that we suppose to have been  achieve during the Civil War.

White supremacist then, and modern day white supremacy now always twist The Bible to fit their purpose to be the dominant race in America and killed, gas, and lynched people of color in THE NAME OF CHRISTIANITY. From the beginning of the 13 original colonies who people from Europe stole this land from the native Indians using smallpox as a weapons of mass destruction, and other methods to dominate then they travel over to west Africa snatching and enslaving native African people bringing them to the New World called America to plow their fields, grow their rice and be their servants while building a nation through the blood, sweat,  torment, and killing of the people of color.

What was Great about America then when freedom only applied to those who stole it from others? The wealthy white class privilege  who ancestors were immigrants from Europe, whose wealth came by Pirating, Enslaving, and killing people of color from another nation, and the  natives of this nation. Those who tend to forget about the past tend to have the past repeat it's cycle. Gentrifying the low income black neighborhoods in America, then call it Capitalism. This only defines the rich white privileged dominant forces of displacement towards low income people of color.  Producing  food insecurity, and sky rocking prices on housing, a increase of homeless people, and senior citizens of color are are facing homelessness, or rent burden because their fix income is not enough to pay for the cost of living.

Crime rate very high we are losing our children to gun violence. If you think this is not all connected, then your eyes are wide shut because the demons behind this is in concert. Like in slavery they had what you called The house negro who worked in the house of the plantation, and were used against their own,  usually of fair complexion, and worked not the fields but in House cooking their food, setting their tables, raising their children, and doing their dirty laundry physically and mentally. We have some in The House today who is there for that same purpose of all shades few of color in the Republican Party. Is The Future White House returning to the days of George Washington where slaves work in the house, and the fields. Where people of color is just a means to an end to be used, and enslaved under a up rise of White Supremacy and the Rich privilege White Class. Have you ever been to the Republican convention. You can count on your hand how many people of color are there.


Now look at the Democrats convention unity of all race United as in The United States of America.

Revelation 7:1-8  when the four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth  holding the four winds of the earth, that wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And the other Angel ascending from the east, having the seal of The Living GOD and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth, and the sea. Saying hurt not the earth neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed The Servants of our GOD In their foreheads. Then John heard in the vision the number of them which were sealed and they were sealed an 144 thousand of all the 12 tribes of Israel. 12 thousand from each tribe. Read the whole Rev. chapter 7. You will see in  7:9-12  Verse 9  says After this (meaning after the count of all the 144 thousand of the  Israel tribe) I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the Lamb  clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.

And in  Rev verse 7:13-14 one of the elders answered, saying unto me, what are these which are arrayed in white robes? And where they come from? And John in the vision said  to him Sir, you know, and he said to me, These are they which came out of Great Tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in The Blood of The Lamb. We as true Christians known that JESUS is The Lamb of GOD.  Who was slayed and paid the price of sin for all humanity, but only those who believe receive the GIFT of Salvation. In The Father's prayer there is a part of the prayer that says- Your Kingdom come your will be done on earth as well as it is in heaven. We are asking in prayer for GOD's will to be done here on earth as well as in heaven. As the WORD OF GOD convey to us the unity of all nations, and of all race united before The Throne of GOD in heaven. This is not twisted, this is the Revelation of GOD.

It really is a serious shame that we are living in a society, a Nation so divided due to lies and the nurturing of White Supremacy like back during the Civil War battle over the freedom of black enslaved people. The 2024  President Election has come and gone. If you sit back and refuse rise up  in prayer and stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS for JESUS IS THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS   then you chose to go back to when Blacks was denied the right to vote in the 60’s, back to using water fountains label White Only, Black only and return back to Plantation Life our Ancestor was once force to live before the Civil War.

 2 Samuel 23:3 The GOD of Israel spoke to me, He that ruleth over man must be JUST, ruling in the Fear of GOD.  If  the President of The United States rule not in the fear of GOD then this nation will be forever divided. United We Stand, Divided We fall. Matthew, 12:25 b. Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation: and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

Abraham Lincoln said In his speech on June 16,1858 - A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave, and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved- I do not expect the house to fall- but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. WHO WE VOTE FOR TRULY MATTERS voting for the wrong person might cause you your freedom.  Do You hear THE BELLS RINGING? The Sound of LIBERTY or have we as a nation through all the Chaos  forgot what that sounds like. Some never encounter or heard the sound of FREEDOM because their mindsets are still in captivity. GOOD NEWS - JESUS came to set the captives FREE for HE said in Luke 4:18-21. THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is upon me Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent me to proclaim the acceptable year of THE LORD. My GOD, I hear in my spirit LIBERTY and Liberty spells FREEDOM. LET FREEDOM RING. I can still hear the bells ringing.


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Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Was It In Vain

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