In your Brokenness I Am

In Your Brokenness
(I Am)

Broken is a word no one wants to here or go through even though it is a state of transformation. (Praise The Lord)! Moving into another level in Christ comes through the brokenness that only The Lord Knows how to fix. When we come to The Lord and accepted Him as our Lord and Savior an answer is require, it’s either Yes or No. No in between, no compromising either yes or no.

 In a song that marinated in my spirit sung by the Gospel ministry Shekinah Glory title (Yes). There’s a part of the lyrics that says be careful when you say yes to The Lord, because It may cost you everything. To pick up your cross and follow Jesus is to bring you out of the world and into The Lord. In your walk with The Lord you will find that all you have come to know in your worldly life is in opposition of God, and will be disrupted as The Lord restores His order. 

Yes comes with a lifetime of transformation, Yes comes also with the canceling out generational curses pass down through your generational blood line. Breaking down of strongholds over your life. To break down these strongholds comes brokenness then a release. A lot of the Saints have yet to come to the understanding that you have to died to self in order to live for Christ when You seek ye first The Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness (Matt 6:33). Only then will (All) things be added unto you. There are somethings we are holding onto that has to be remove.

Not wanting to let go and trusting in God will only hinder our release keeping you in bondage. Still awaiting a word from my spiritual dear daughter Jennifer, not knowing where she maybe left a certain void. Dealing with suppress feelings for my astray children one being my only begotten son who has choose the transgender lifestyle dismissing me because of my faith and his lack of faith. My younger daughter who also is living this lifestyle, but our relationship is in it’s processing stage as The Lord watches over us.

 My Grandson had to deal with the attacks of the enemy after being rob for his phone on two occasion. One coming from a friends house by three assailants at night, the other on his way to work by gunpoint both within a week and a half. He is now working two jobs, The LORD has a plan for his life. Now my older daughter who has been living together with her children’s father for more than ten years which has form strongholds over her life has now left him, and move to Waldorf during that time. She has  her own house in Temple Hills, and now has returned to The LORD. These incidents has brought this family together for both Holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2017.

A prayer that seems to be answer, but the emotional wounds of press down hurt she tries to hide. A War Cry is in my state of being in my prayers for my family, watching them go through the hurt that comes from worry, fear, unforgiveness, and unrepentant sin. Holding on to relationships that are hindering God’s purpose for their lives, hatred, and bigotry, and revenge, material things and misuse of the Internet and TV helps us to evade the real issues of life.

 We live in a nation that thrives off of being entertained trying to fill up the true emptiness, and incompleteness that dwells inside of us. Clothed in our weaknesses hidden in a smile brings me back to yesterday past to reflect  the discovery of my first love Jesus The Christ. Sometimes God has to take you back to a place where He found you. 

It was in the state of Brokenness, and in search for my younger daughter who ran away often. He finds me that broken butterfly barely able to fly. He reminds me of how He brought me through, so even now He is bringing this family through a lot. I declare this In The Matchless Name of Jesus!  These incidents are just a few, and this picture was taking on Christmas of 2017.

(My Older daughter Tee is up front, her son Terrell top back, also my grandson. Crisshonna my baby girl with glasses, my mom in the middle and my granddaughter Kaneese ( Niecy) on the left there two more grandchildren not shown in this picture. Khalil my daughters younger son, Davonte my son Michael’s son. Who also is not in this picture). The Lord lead me to bring in the New Year of 2018 in prayer during that season. Before that I was in worship for it moves me in position to be in the presence of God. (As up this day my Mom's has gone home to be with THE LORD)

As you grow in The Spirit more is require where much is giving, so before I pray I enter into worship. The Holy Spirit brought me back to recall my trip in the ambulance when I was experiencing shortness of breath, and chest pains in the summer of 2017, and I felt this was it for me on this earth.  The Holy Spirit reveals more about my state of mind during that time. I felt The Lord was calling me home with unresolved family issue and unrestored relationships. Where are you God?

 It was Satan who spoke into my mind saying you shall died bringing fear in the middle of the situation. You say to yourself again where are you God? The Holy Spirit steps in, and uses me in the middle of my pain, in the shortness of my breath, to speak to young Katherine, a Hispanic girl who was one of the Em's assisting me on the way to the hospital. (During this time I was unaware of the Blood Cancer within me). I knew not her situation but recall the Holy Spirit speaking to her through me when I ask her about her schooling. She share with me her struggles with finances and the decision on whether to return home because of the lack of, she was from New York.

 I ask about her faith, she responded Catholic . The Holy Spirit said through me - So that means you known Jesus, and she said Yes. I was looking at her as a child of my own. Now The Lord has a tendency of showing me myself,  for under normal circumstances my response would have been different. I would have said - so you worship Mary instead of Jesus, for that is what the Catholics believe something within that area. 

In myself The Lord could not have use me to reach Kathrine, because of the negative response I would have had against her faith, but in my brokenness all I could grab for was Jesus who push the voice of the enemy aside so The Holy Spirit was able to speak through me to her situation. Her answer was Yes to The Holy Spirit not me, but The Holy Spirit that abides in me. The Lord will set you in a unique situations, and use you for His Glory. Just when you think it's about to be over.

Image result for we are Children of light

While I was recalling this tears are flowing because of unknown bigotry within, and the feelings that I was feeling during that situation. We are the salt and the light of the world. We as Christian's are not to inflict darkness into darkness but light into darkness. For Light will bring light into darkness as children of light. We are all created in the image of God even-though we all do not reflect Him at times, The Holy Spirit points to The Truth and The Light through us.

This came after much prayer, and focusing on The Lord. There were two Broken Spirits in that ambulance. The Lord show me that only in my brokenness he was able to work through me. He spoke to both of us through my Brokenness to (Matthew 6:33) Seek ye first The Kingdom of God and All of His Righteousness as a reminder to me, and a answer for her. Then all things will be added unto you, so (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in The Lord with all of our heart lean not unto our own understanding acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct our path.

When young Katherine started holding onto my hand it was The Holy Spirit within me she was reaching for.  When she bow her head and said thank you, and my response was for her to thank The Lord not me I’m just a vessel He is using. The Holy Spirit pointed out she knew that, and He was using her to reach me by reminding me of The I Am that’s in me.The Holy Spirit said she see the beautiful butterfly manifested in you she also see your wounds, but yet the Lord speaks through you in the state of Brokenness.

You See when I said us Saints have yet to understand we have to died to self in order to live for Christ. I am one of them. The Lord continues to kill off the old man so the new creation in me can come forth there is always another level of growth through His Transforming Spirit. To my surprise I knew not that the response I would have gave would have been one she would have resisted due to how I would have said it. This applies in my children’s case also.

I thought in my old mindset I was proclaiming The Lord. I was in my flesh, but in the Spirit what I said was nurturing. This is why we have to be very careful of our actions, and what perceive out of our mouth. That’s kind of hard, but when your in pain it tends to humble us. In the flesh it would have been received as judgment which has us comparing them to ourselves as if we are superior.

We are to present the image of God as we proclaim His name, not come off as one who judges them. When we are operating in The Spirit of God it will proceed as so. For greater Is He that is in us than he who are in the World. The Beauty of a butterfly is represented as a form of transformation, and is revealed through us when we are under the influence of the Holy Spirit so they see someone who cares, and the love of God within.

Image result for Gods transformative spirit surrounded a broken wing butterfly

We made be wounded, but His light continues to showcase the trans-formative Spirit of God. Praise The Lord! A broken butterfly that reflects the beauty of The Lord. So even when our wings are broken we are still in position to reveal the beauty within. We are to proclaim The Lord and spread the Gospel. In God's appointed time Judgment will be appointed unto us by God over the world, and angels,  1 Corinthians 6:2,3 for those angels are known as demons. 

This is the spirit they are operating in, and are under the influence of.  Saul thought he was proclaiming God when he was persecuting the Christian (Acts 9:1-5). He was raised up on the Mosaic Law, a Pharisee of Pharisees from the tribe of Benjamin, a scholar (Acts 23:6), (Philippians 3:5). He learned through The Lords transforming Spirit he was wrong, and taken the wrong approach in his zeal for God against the Christian, one’s of The Way.

I Thank God for using me, and showing me how I would have reply in my flesh. We can easily become what we hate because of ignorance, and reflect a spirit of persecution towards those we are suppose to help. This is why we need to repent daily, in other words died to the flesh as we transform into what The Lord is manifesting in us. Each level in our walk with Christ brings bigger devils our Pastor at PABC stated.

This means the level of forces and tricks of the enemy becomes greater, as a matter of fact the bigger devils are Captains or Generals in Satan’s army who are masters of deception. When your growing in Christ the Enemy will send a stronger devil to try and deceive you. The devil said to me in my weakness while having chest pains, barely able to breathe that I was going to died.

I had oxygen tube in my nose on the way to the hospital, but God showed me later through His divine intervention to both me and Young Katherine I shall live and not died after my cried out to Him in the hospital bed. I text my prayer warriors I had on my phone contacts at that time. We may end up in a situation where the Hezekiah prayer is needed.

Image result for hezekiah turn his face to the wall

This is when your back is against the wall, and it looks as if it is over. Sickness seems to be taken over while the Enemy is speaking death in your situation through your mind. You need to know which spirit is speaking to you in such a time as this so you can resist the devil and he will flee. While Satan was speaking to me The Lord was speaking through me.

While reminding me he is not slack on his word when it says in (Acts 16:31) Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, and thy house, which means your family the seed of your body shall receive the Salvation of The Lord. That is more than Good News. So keep on your whole Armor of God, Satan launches an attack daily against the Saints of God. Focus on your strengths which is in The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords. Allow Him to help you manage your weakness. In our weakness His Strength is manifested.

Right in my brokenness He step in and uses me. It was only in my brokenness The Lord’s was able to bring me through my situation while manifesting the transforming butterfly within me. I was wounded but still transforming into what The Lord created me to be. We have to be in alignment with The Lord, and that has to come through brokenness. Through brokenness comes healing and The Lord’s strength. His strength is manifested in our weakness.

God and God alone brings healing in brokenness. He removes ignorance through His truth, and the breaking down of strongholds through the pressures of life in order to release all He has put in you. That is why He is The Great I AM, The Omnipresent, The Omnipotent, The Omniscience God we serve. He is the Balm in Gilead. Hold on Old Soldiers don’t give up on God because He won’t give up on you. He is bringing you through it all while His transforming love is showcase through the storms and the rain, as well as the heart aches, and pain. Blessed Be In The Name of The Lord. Amen!

No matter what state of brokenness your experiencing, Surrender All! Allow The Lord to step into your fragile state and reshaped, renew, and rebuild your whole situation.

Shekinah Glory

In The Sincerity of The Holy Spirit
                              Sister Seer Trudy                           

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